Five-star train travel is a great choice for long-distance destinations. Comfort during the trip, high security, good quality of service and affordable cost are the most important advantages of using a luxury train. Of course, you should keep in mind that the price of a 5-star train ticket is higher compared to regular trains. But it is definitely not pleasant for you to arrive at your destination tired and bored after long hours of travel. Luxury trains have exactly this mission to provide the highest quality services to passengers. In this article from Flytoday tourism magazine We introduce you to all the 5-star trains in Iran.
Which trains are five stars?
At the moment Types of passenger trains They operate in Iran. In the classification, trains, like hotels, the number of stars indicates the quality level of service. In Iran, a number of 5-star trains operate on different routes such as Tehran-Mashhad. These 5-star trains are not similar to regular trains in terms of service quality, so you have to pay more to buy a five-star train ticket. List of luxury trains in Iran which you can buy tickets for in different rail routes are introduced below.
If you plan to take your car with you on your trip, we recommend this article Car transportation conditions by train Read in Flytoday tourism magazine.
Nurul Reza five star train
The 5-star Noorul Reza train is one of the most luxurious trains in Iran, which was first activated in 2005 on the Tehran-Mashhad route. This train was considered the best 5-star and luxury train in Iran before the activities of other companies. The carriages of this train are made by China, but their construction is according to European standards. The luxury restaurant with hot food, the use of quality audio and video system, the use of air conditioning system and the design of four-seater compartments are the most important features of Noor Al Reza five-star train.
5 star Fadak train
This train can be considered one of the most luxurious and of course the most popular 5-star trains in Iran, which started operating on the Tehran-Mashhad route for the first time in 2014. This train complies with European standards and with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, it will reduce your travel time. Naturally, what distinguishes this train from other types of trains is the service it provides to passengers.

Beautiful interior decor, the possibility of using free Wi-Fi, access to film and music archives, catering, the possibility of adjusting the temperature of the compartment, comfortable seats and beds, advanced fire extinguishing system and the professional attitude of the attendants are the most important features of this train. You can during Train Travel Fadak has access to hot and cold catering.
5 star life train
Raja's first 5-star train The train of life It was actually the first 5-star train in Iran. With 4-seater compartments and various facilities such as comfortable beds and chairs, kitchen with glass walls, air conditioning system, free internal internet, etc., this train offers convenient services to passengers.

Iran's 5-star train
This train, which has been activated since Nowruz 1402, belongs to Ben Rail Company and is currently operating on the Tehran-Mashhad route. Iran's train is a new generation of trains according to the world's current standards. In this train, passenger comfort is the main priority. Each carriage of this train has 10 compartments for 4 people. One of the most important features of this train is its two-class service level.

Unique services are provided in this train, which is unique compared to other trains in Iran. Providing free hygiene pack, disposable sleeping pack, smoking room, modern and furnished restaurant, adjustable light, etc. is only part of Iran's 5-star train services. Iran's train can be The best 5-star train in Mashhad knew
What is the price of a five-star train ticket?
With the explanations that have been said, you must know that the price of a 5-star train ticket is higher than that of regular trains. But the question is, how much should we spend to buy a 5-star train ticket?

As you know, the price of train tickets has a specific tariff and does not vary like bus and plane tickets. Therefore, it is enough to choose the desired origin and type of train to pay for it. The number of people, type of train, service company, train class, etc. affect the price of a 5-star train ticket. Therefore, to know the price of the train ticket, it is enough to refer to the authorized companies or websites selling train tickets.
Everything about Iran's five-star trains
In order to have a comfortable train travel experience, buying 5-star train tickets will definitely be one of the best choices. Currently, several 5-star trains from different railway companies are serving passengers on different routes, especially Tehran-Mashhad. Providing unique services to passengers, the standard of the trains according to the world's technology, the high speed of the train, etc. are among the things that make traveling with these trains enjoyable for passengers.
If you have the experience of traveling by 5-star train, share it with us!
Frequently asked questions about Iran's best 5-star train
What is the price of 5 star train tickets?
The price of 5-star train tickets depends on the provider rail company, train type, service, train class, etc.
What are the facilities of five star trains?
Each of the 5-star trains offers different services to its passengers. Provision of hygiene and sleeping packs, quality food, comfortable seats and beds, proper ventilation system, etc. are among the facilities offered in 5-star trains.
What are the best five-star trains in Iran?
Fadak, Noor Al-Reza, Zendig and Iran are the best 5-star trains in Iran.
What is the newest 5-star train in Iran?
Iran's 5-star train from Ben Rail is the most serious 5-star train in Iran, which has been activated since Nowruz 1402.