Fadak Train Classes
Fadak trains have several different services. First of all, it is best to know that all travel classes with Fadak trains are in the same coupe and only the number and type of services that are done are different.
The highest Fadak trains that provide their services to travelers internationally are a special level. To use the special and luxurious services of Fadak trains, such as welcoming drinks, food and desserts, services such as red carpets to welcome travelers, serving during the journey indefinitely, offering special packs that include shoulders, toothbrushes, toothpaste and eye -catching service, and sleeping.
Another level of Fadak trains is the business class, which provides less services than the special class; But it is still better than ordinary trains. This ticket level provides high quality bedding services, a health pack, breakfast service, a welcome drink and other amenities for a comfortable trip.