The post -story history is of the world of innovation, communication and transformation; From manual sending letters to automatic separation and intelligent processing, postal systems have taken a long route.
With the expansion of communities and the need to send letters, the methods of separation and postal distribution have been evolving. Initially, all the steps were done manually; But with the advancement of technology, the need for faster and more accurate solutions was felt. Along the way, Canadian scientist Maurice Levi invented the first automatic separation of letters to be able to process 2.5 letters in one hour. This revolutionary technology was highly accurate and was less than one letter per letter of error.
The new Levi system, developed by the Canadian Post Office, not only increased processing speed, but also paved the way for improving modern postal systems. Today, advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and image processing have continued the path of this progress and are making postal services faster and more accurate than ever. In this article, we will take a brief look at the evolution of the postal system in the world.
What you will read about the post history and postal systems in this article:
Writing as a commercial activity
The date of postal systems, namely sending a letter or messaging services to transmit messages from one person to one person in another place, began with the invention of writing, and even suspects that this was one of the main reasons for the invention of the text.
Photo Source: Jooinn; Photographer’s name: Unknown
The start of writing dates back to Mesopotamia at least 4.3 years ago and initially included the use of mud signs; In fact, small pieces of cooked flowers on which dots or lines were engraved to display the amount of goods.
There was a man that could have given these signs to the seller for the transaction; For example, in a few wheat bags or a few olive oil and seller, these signs return to the buyer with the goods. It can be considered a bronze medal bill.
Between the ages of 4.3 and 5 BC, the Mesopotamian Business Network expanded in the Uruk-Period period, and businessmen wrapped pottery signs in thin sheets of flowers (pottery) to prevent fraud, and then they They cooked. These earthenware envelopes, called Bulla, were built to prevent fraud and, in fact, guaranteed that the right amount of goods would reach the buyer. Finally, the use of the symptoms was abandoned and the plates with special signs were replaced, and this was the point where the writing really started.
The seal of trade in the past; Photo Source: Ku Leuven; Photographer’s name: Unknown
Postal system
The first documentary use of a postal system (official and trusted government to convey messages) occurred in Egypt about 2.5 BC; When the Pharaohs used the courier to send government orders throughout their territory. The earliest letter to date is Egyptian and dates back to 5 BC; The letter was discovered in the tank of oxyrhynchus papyrus.
The carriage of the post in the museum; Photo Source: What Song The Sirens Sang; Photographer’s name: Unknown
It is likely that similar systems of peak services were used to collect taxes and find out the state of remote areas in many large empires, among them the Achaemenid Empire in the Crescent Crescent (1-5 BC), “The dynasty. Han Dynasty in China (2 BC to 6 AD), Islamic Caliphate in Saudi Arabia (1 1 AD), the Inca Empire in Peru (1 to 2 AD) and the Mongol Empire in India (1 to 2 AD).
In addition, government messages were certainly moving through the Silk Road and among the businessmen of various empires, probably since the beginning of this route in the third century BC.
Photo Source: The Nomad Today; Photographer’s name: Unknown
The first envelopes to protect these kinds of messages from curious eyes were made of fabric, animal skin or herbal ingredients. Paper envelopes developed in China; Where the paper was also invented in the second century BC. These paper envelopes, called ChiH Poh, were used to hold cash gifts.
In the year 9, a Frenchman named Jean-Jacques Renouard de Villars launched a postal system in Paris. After installing the mailboxes, he delivered any letter in which they used to use the prepaid cost envelopes.
However, his business did not last long; Because the cunning person scared Jean’s customers by throwing live mice into the mailboxes and defeated his plan.
Photo Source:; Photographer’s name: Unknown
In the year 9, an English teacher named Rowland Hill invented the sticky postal stamp and received the Knight’s badge through this initiative. His efforts led to the launch of the world’s first postal stamp system in England in the year 9. Hill introduced the first and uniform mail rate based on weight (not size). In this way, his stamps made it possible to pay the postage, and at the same time, to make a postage.
Today, the Universal Postal Union, which was founded in the year 6, determines the rules on international postal transactions with four member states.
Photo Source: Mental Floss; Photographer’s name: Unknown
History of the US Post Office
The United States Postal Service is an independent government agency that has been in charge of posting services in the country for the past 5 years. It is one of the few government agencies that is explicitly recognized by the US Constitution. The American founder, Benjamin Franklin, was also appointed as the first manager in the country.
Photo Source: Britannica; Photographer’s name: Unknown
First postal catalog
The first catalog of sales was released by Aaron Montgomery Ward in the year 6. This catalog was often provided for rural farmers who had limited access to the business centers of the big cities. Montgomery Ward started its business in Chicago for just $ 1.5.
Postal Catalog “Montgomery Enter”; Photo Source: History of Information; Photographer’s name: Unknown
The first version of this catalog was a sheet of approximately 2 x 2 cm long and included in the price list of goods and order instructions. Later, these catalogs expanded to illustrated books.
In the year 9, the first physical store Montgomery Ward opened in Plymouth, Indiana, and in the year 9, the company was launched as an e -commerce business.
Photo Source: SUNTRICS; Photographer’s name: Unknown
The first automatic segregation of letters
The Canadian Electronic Scientist, Maurice Levy, in the year 9, invented the first automatic separation of letters to be able to process up to 2.5 letters per hour.
Photo Source: Myheritage Knowledge Base; Photographer’s name: Unknown
The Canadian Post Office had asked Levi to design a new and electronic system for automatic separation of letters and to monitor its construction. In the year 9, a handmade sample of the device was tested at the Ottawa City Post Office and performed successful performance.
Then, in the 5th century, a prototype coding and separation of letters was made by Canadian manufacturers that could process up to 2.5 letters per hour; While the error rate was less than one letter per 1, 1 letter.
Canada‘s mailbox; Photo Source:; Photographer’s name: Unknown” loading=”lazy”/>
Photo Source:; Photographer’s name: Unknown
Post History in Iran
The first organized signs of the post in Iran dates back to the Achaemenid era; A period in which printing houses emerged as the world’s oldest regulatory service. It is said that the “printing house” was established by the Achaemenid king Cyrus the Great and later developed by Darius the Achaemenid throughout the Persian Empire.
The printing house of Maybod; Photo Source: Visitiran; Photographer’s name: Unknown
The stations along the Achaemenid territory routes provided the rapid and reliable transfer of royal commands and important news by providing rest and replacement of messengers. This innovative postal service system, where the message was delivered from person to person and continued until the final destination, has also been praised in the writings of Herodotus, ancient Greek historian:
Neither snow, no rain, no heat, no darkness of the night, can prevent these peaks from doing their job. The first printing quickly delivers the message to the latter, and the latter, and thus the message between the prints is hand -to -reach; Like the Olympic torch, which the Greeks hold on to the Hephaestus Temple. The Persians are called the horses of the horse.
Photo Source: Tasnimnews; Photographer’s name: Unknown
As the Achaemenid era, the expansion and improvement of the postal system in the Sassanid period continued. Because of the extent of the territory and cultural and geographical diversity, the Sassanians felt the need for a regular network of post stations. Sassanid printing houses, in addition to resting messengers, provided timely transmission of messages by offering facilities for repairing and replacing high -speed animals.
During the Taherian period, with the establishment of the Divan Breed, an important step was taken in the Iranian postal system. The Divine Brade, which was of particular importance in the couch of that period, was not only responsible for the security missions and transfer of the information needed by the rulers, but also providing services to the general public, especially merchants in need of letters and consultations. He gave. In fact, the Divan Breed postmen also worked on private orders in addition to government missions.
The term “Train” is reminiscent of this period and refers to large convoys of 1 to 2 camels. Also, during this period, printers were common like the Achaemenid era, and the two printing houses were considered on the main roads (about 2 kilometers) to ensure proper security and timing in the message transmission. The postmen worked in both cavalry and pedestrians, called “Barke” and “Saei”, and the Post Organization was under the supervision of the “Court of Shariah” or the Security and Security Organization, whose head “Owner” It was.
Photo Source: Tasnimnews; Photographer’s name: Unknown
During the Samani period, the position of the Divan Breed was upgraded to the ministry, and the heads of the post office were elected from poets and literary. During the Albu’i period, rulers such as “Azad al -Dawlah Dilmi” added the time index to the postal service; So that the postmen were obliged to follow each route at a given time and deliver the message or cargo to the destination in a timely manner. With the beginning of the Seljuk rule, the Iranian Post Organization changed and in fact declined; However, the position of “Albid’s owner” was still an important title.
After the Mongol domination, an organization similar to the “Divan Breed” was once again formed. During this period, postal centers were known as “Yamchi” or “Ilchi” under the heading titles such as “Post House” or “Yammadeh” and postmen. The Ilchis, who were trained soldiers, tasked with delivering letters with a special priority. The process continued until the Timurid period and then in the Safavid, Afshariyeh, Zandieh and the first half of Qajar.
In the middle of the Qajar era, a new chapter in the Iranian post began. The first person to consider serious changes was “Amir Kabir”; But the opportunity to make this change did not reach Mirza Taghi Khan. More than five years after his assassination, Nasser al -Din Shah decided to update the post structure with the encouragement of Mirza Hussein Khan Sepahsalar.
Post Office at the time of Qajar; Photo Source: Mizanonline; Photographer’s name: Unknown
In the solar year, an Austrian person named Gustav Riedeer was appointed as the chief and chief executive of the Iranian government printing houses. Ridrr built Iran’s first intercellular transportation organization by launching special strollers to transport cargoes and individuals; He also published the first postal stamp of Iranian history and established a school for postmodars.
In the solar year (1), Iran became a member of the World Post Union, and by the solar year (2), the number of post offices in the country reached 4 offices, four of which in Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz and Bushehr, International was active.
In the solar year, under the command of Nasser al -Din Shah Qajar, the Post Office was transformed into “Post” and “Mirza Ali Khan Amin al -Molk” was appointed as the first Minister of the Post. He has a special place among the people by determining the working hours and creating pensions for employees. At the end of the solar year, there was also the purchase of telephone company, the Ministry of Post and Telegraph and Telephone. During the Pahlavi era, with the development of roads and the emergence of modern vehicles such as cars and train, post offices and related organizations, extensive development, and even private post companies emerged that continue to this day.
Gallery Source: Cartonbistoon; tasnimnews; Photographer’s name: Unknown
What do you know about the post history? What do you think about the evolution of the postal system to date? Please share your valuable look and opinion with Kajaro and its users.
Cover’s photo source: Thoughtco; Photographer’s name: Unknown
Frequently asked questions
What were the first post envelopes made of?
The first postal envelopes were made of natural materials such as fabrics, animal skin or plant materials. These envelopes protected the messages from injury and seen. The first paper envelope was also created in China.
When does the first post signs come back in Iran?
The first organized signs of the post in Iran dates back to the Achaemenid era; A period in which printing houses emerged as the world’s oldest regulatory service. It is said that the “printing house” was established by the Achaemenid king Cyrus the Great and later developed by Darius the Achaemenid throughout the Persian Empire.