The moment of delivery is the year 2, coinciding with 1 and 2 pm on Thursday, March 23.
The first day of Eid Nowruz is on Friday, March 5.
Also, given the simultaneously of Nowruz and the month of Ramadan, the first day of April and the moment of delivery is equal to the day of Ramadan. Ramadan is on the beginning of Ramadan, March 6, and Eid al -Fitr will probably be before the thirteenth of Badr on April 5.
According to the number of animals of the year, it is a snake or dragon year.
The moment of delivery of the year in historic sites
According to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the moment of delivery of the year will be held in Pasargad, Takht Jamshid and Hafezieh along with Iftar and Sahar, as well as in Chehelston and Isfahan Steel.
The program of Nowruz is also held in one thousand buildings, museums, cultural heritage bases throughout the country, and in all historical sites, bases and museums will be held for Nowruz programs.