Apple’s artificial intelligence with its new features now occupies more space in iPhone devices than before. According to information published by Apple’s official website, the new iOS 18.2 update requires 7 GB of local storage to enable the company’s artificial intelligence. While the previous version, iOS 18.1, only needed 4 GB of space.
According to the Tekna technology news media mobile service, the increase in required space is due to the addition of advanced features such as the integration of ChatGPT with the Siri voice assistant, the introduction of Genmoji and visual artificial intelligence tools. These new features, which improve the performance of Apple devices, are part of a wide range of changes that Apple has been moving towards in recent years.
Apple’s first artificial intelligence features were introduced last year with the release of iOS 18.1. These features included writing tools and the ability to summarize notifications. But it seems that Apple is preparing for a significant upgrade of these technologies in iOS 19, which will be released next year.
One of the notable points is Apple’s policy of implementing artificial intelligence locally on users’ devices. This method, which means no dependence on cloud servers, increases the response speed and ensures the security of users’ personal data. However, this approach comes at a cost in terms of storage space, which may limit users.
Users with limited device space can disable Apple’s artificial intelligence. This possibility is available through the settings related to Apple AI and Siri. Additionally, users can opt out of installing it instead of fully activating it. But Apple has provided this feature in an integrated way and it is not possible to select a part of the features. For people who need more space, buying iCloud storage will be a good option. According to predictions, future versions of iOS will likely require more space.
Reports suggest that the iOS 18.4 update will arrive in 2025 with more intelligent features for Siri. This can put more pressure on the storage space of devices. Apple continues to focus on developing artificial intelligence and integrating it into its operating system, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years. To see other news, visit the mobile news page.