Company Nvidia From a new artificial intelligence model for human robots called Groot N1 Unveiled. The model, introduced at the GTC 2025 conference, is designed as a “multipurpose” model that uses both artificial data and real data for training.
According to a video released by Nvidia to introduce the Groot N1 at the conference, the model says the model uses a “two -system architecture” inspired by human cognitive processes. This architecture allows robots to think both quickly and slowly.
Nvidia model capabilities for human robots
Its “slow” system allows the robots to understand and analyze the environment and commands and then plan appropriate actions. In contrast, the “speedy” system transforms these programs into robotic measures, including measures that include manipulating objects in several stages.
The Groot N1 is actually an evolved version of Project Groot introduced last year by NVIDIA at the GTC conference. Project Groot focused more on industrial use, but the Groot N1 expanded its focus on humanic robots in various forms.
This model is available as an open source. Nvidia has also published simulation frameworks and designs for the production of educational synthetic data with this model.
Humanistic robots have attracted much attention in recent years. Companies like the X1 and Figure are trying to build all -out robots that move almost like humans. The challenges facing this technology are huge, but these companies claim that technology has reached the point where mass production of human robots will be possible in the near future.