Artificial Intelligence scientists who won the Turing Award this year warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence and the priority of profit for safety for companies active in the field.
The Turing Prize is awarded every year to those who have made a significant contribution to the development of computer science. The award has been awarded to Andrew Barto, researcher at the University of Massachusetts, and former Google Research Research Scientist Richard Saton. The scientists, however, have taken the opportunity to warn of the dangers of artificial intelligence.
The Turing Award winners are also concerned about the dangers of artificial intelligence
According to the Financial Times, the scientists have warned that artificial intelligence companies do not fully test it before launching a product. The winners of this year’s Turing Prize have likened the process to build a bridge and try it to use it using people.
The Turing Prize is referred to as the “Nobel Prize for Accounts” and its winners receive $ 5 million. This year’s Turing Prize was awarded to Andrew Barto Richard Saton for the development of reinforcement learning. This method of machine learning focuses on teaching artificial intelligence systems through testing. According to Jeff Dean, Google’s senior vice president, this method is the “point of artificial intelligence progress” and one of the main pillars of its boom that has led to the creation of products such as ChatGpt or Google’s Alphago Artificial Intelligence.
“The publication of a software for millions of people is not a good engineering method without considering the safety,” said Andrew Barto in an interview. “Engineering methods have evolved to reduce the negative consequences of technology, and I don’t see this in developing companies.”
Barto also said that companies in the field have prioritized business motivations rather than focusing on the progress of artificial intelligence research. Jeffrey Hinton, who is referred to as the godfather of artificial intelligence, had also previously warned of insecure development of the technology.