There are many misconceptions and strange rumors about ChatGPT chatbot. For example, some say that behind the curtain of this robot, humans answer the users! But you should not believe these rumors.
Since the past, humanity has tried hard to work less and rely more on technological advancement. The new innovations that exist now have made people more productive than before. Technology has reached a new milestone Chatbot ChatGPT And other artificial intelligence programs are at the center of it. Many believe that GPT chat threatens a variety of jobs (from data entry to copywriting and coding). But this is an exaggeration!
JPT chat is actually a chat bot; This means it can parse text and then generate an output using its own predictive algorithms. So ChatGPT can write resumes and letters, make jokes, discuss various topics, grapple with complex math problems, write musical notes, generate computer code, or write articles. But there are definitely limits to this artificial intelligence. As a result, many of the myths about the ChatGPT chatbot are false.
Don’t make ChatGPT a giant with these misconceptions
We will explore these misconceptions here so that you may be worried about your future career.
1. Some believe that ChatGPT is self-aware and emotional!
One of the most common themes repeated in the media is that technology will soon become self-aware. Probably the biggest myth about the JPT chatbot is that it has sentience, and thanks to that, we will soon see the rise of killer bots. This is while GPT chat does not have any understanding and feelings.
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This robot is designed based on a language model and uses machine learning. It is for this reason that he can give humanistic answers to your questions. But he is not able to think independently and can only use the available information.
Over time, OpenAI’s robot will acquire more information through the Internet and become more aware. But its lack of understanding and emotions means that there is no concern about its future. Therefore, GPT chat can never take the place of a human.
2. Some others think that the performance of this robot is always accurate
Because ChatGPT is built using linguistic models and machine learning, some may assume that the bot will always provide the most accurate answers to their questions. But this is nothing more than a legend.
The ChatGPT chatbot roams the internet to generate the answer to your question and due to the nature of its artificial intelligence, it may not be able to find the right answer as it should on some specific topics. Of course, as long as your questions are simple, giving simple answers is fine. But when you need more details, it becomes more difficult.
This chatbot itself also mentions the same thing and says: “When you ask me a question, I analyze the language used in your question and compare it with the patterns and linguistic structures in the training data to give an appropriate answer. to give But note that my answers are based on statistical patterns within the data and may not always be completely accurate or up-to-date.”
3. Some are worried that ChatGPT will take their jobs
While technology always helps to do things better, some believe that ChatGPT is causing many job opportunities to be lost. It is true that OpenAI’s robot has influenced many businesses. For example, resume builder Resume Builder says that 48% of companies have already replaced JPT chat with their employees. But that’s not all.
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Some businesses have already felt the impact of artificial intelligence. Especially companies that use automated customer service. Some other businesses also use chatbots for boring and repetitive tasks like data entry. However, there is no threat to professional jobs. Because ChatGPT can only be used as an auxiliary tool and is not supposed to replace humans.
Even if you ask this robot himself whether he intends to replace humans or not, he answers: “I am not built to replace humans in jobs. Rather, I can help them make better decisions and perform tasks more accurately, and strengthen and improve people’s capabilities. While artificial intelligence and automation are looking to change the nature of working, you must keep in mind that they are managed by humans and can never have human skills and expertise.
4. GPT chat wants to replace human interaction
Some believe that the ChatGPT chatbot can replace human interaction and steal job opportunities. But even if this robot is good at imitating language and human interaction, it does not have the ability to understand what it writes and produces. While humans have different thoughts, feelings, and motivations, a chatbot doesn’t consider any of them.
OpenAI’s artificial intelligence performs its tasks according to certain limitations. Although it performs the same tasks well, artificial intelligence can never take the place of humans in work. There is still a long way to go until artificial intelligence can think independently.
So while ChatGPT is a very useful tool, it is unlikely to replace human interaction. This means there is no risk for people active in businesses that require human interaction.
5. Behind the curtain of ChatGPT, there are humans!
One of the most interesting myths about GPT Chat is that it is not an AI program at all. This theory says that humans are behind this chat bot and can give realistic answers to users.
The conversations published by this chat bot on social networks show contradictory information and have made the users suspicious. There was even a report that one of the users pretended to be blind in order to bypass the captcha security test, but the chatbot ChatGPT noticed it.
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But if you know how many processes are done by this chat bot every second, you will realize that it is not possible for humans to be behind the screen of this bot. According to reports, this bot processes about 10 million requests per day. This means that if humans were to answer instead of this robot, a vast army of skilled writers in different fields would have to answer users’ questions on a daily basis, which is practically impossible.