OpenAI is raising its bonus bonus from $ 6,000 to $ 6,000 to confront its security threats and strengthen the security of its systems.
Openai has so far made a lot of investment in ChatGPT and various language models of this artificial intelligence, but it may be necessary to spend somewhere else; Like bug bug. Openai has recently announced that the ChatGPT bug reward ceiling has increased by five times and with vital bugs, you can get up to $ 5,000.
Encouraging ChatGpt users with a Bangi Bagothy app to discover problems
According to a reputable source and according to a new OpenAI statement, the company has decided to release a new Banti Banti program to reduce security attacks and attract white hat hackers. The program can prevent some attacks and have a great impact on discovering problems. OpenAI has been forced to increase Banti’s bug by spending the staggering costs of developing ChatGPT to maintain more security.
Earlier in the OpenAi Bantii program, OpenAI had a reward of up to $ 6,000 for users, but with the increase to $ 6,000, the attractiveness of the bug in ChatGPT has reached the maximum. Consider that the reward of the Openai Bagiti program is a spectrum and you did not reach the reward ceiling by reporting each bug. This enormous reward for bugs and problems is determined by a vital blow to the ChatGPT function.
If you are working in the field of hacking and security or thanks to your curiosity you can find different ChatGpt problems, you now have the chance to get great rewards. Below you will be more familiar with the ChatGPT Bagging program.