Samsung recently announced that its next Unpacked event to introduce the Galaxy S25 series will be held on February 3. One of the things expected in this event Bixby’s virtual assistant (Bixby) and now Samsung has released a new teaser that points to the latest Bixby artificial intelligence improvements in the Galaxy S25 series.
Ahead of the announcement of the Galaxy S25 series, Samsung has released a new short teaser that hints at the integration of the Bixby assistant with the Galaxy S25 series. The 17-second teaser, titled “A fully AI companion is on the way,” previews Bixby’s new power.
Showcasing the power of Bixby AI on the Galaxy S25
In this video, we see an office worker apparently using the new Bixby to find a pet-friendly outdoor Italian restaurant. Also, at the same time, Samsung’s artificial intelligence assistant is asked to send this information to another person and record the related event in the Calendar application.
This type of interaction with Bixby will be possible thanks to new AI-based advancements that enable Samsung’s virtual assistant to process natural language.
It remains to be seen how well this feature works in reality. Samsung will showcase the Galaxy S25 series and its enhanced Bixby AI assistant at Galaxy Unpacked on January 22. Digiato will cover all the news related to the Korean event for you.