In a report recently published by the World Economic Forum, titled “The Future of Jobs 2025 Report”, data from 1,000 companies employing 14 million workers worldwide was collected.
The report says that 40% of companies plan to reduce their workforce due to AI automation.
One of the most important points discussed in this report is the role of artificial intelligence in creating jobs in the future. According to this report, while creating 170 million new jobs around the world, artificial intelligence can also eliminate 92 million jobs. In other words, artificial intelligence can create about 78 million new jobs by 2030.
This report also mentions data about the skills that will be needed more than others by 2030; For example, various companies have said that artificial intelligence and big data specializations, networking, cyber security and technology literacy are among the skills in demand in 2030.
The World Economic Forum has called artificial intelligence the biggest job creator among new technologies; 86% of companies expect artificial intelligence to transform their activities by 2030.