Security and security forces are in high demand in the United States, and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that security jobs will grow by about 6 percent over the next decade, but there are many factors that prevent people from pursuing this career, so that the country is now faced with supply shortages. There is a shortage of guards.
In order to face this challenge, robotics startup Asento in Switzerland has developed an automatic patrol robot that can move on any terrain and perform a variety of security missions. The Ascento Guard robot is designed to fill the security guard shortage and is a cost-effective and reliable solution to the security guard shortage. This startup works in the field of bipedal security robots and was founded by a group of former security guards and robotics experts from the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. They have been developing and testing their robots since 2020, testing them in various locations such as warehouses and factories, and this robot is the latest addition to their products.
As a two-wheeled robot, Asento Guard is equipped with thermal and infrared cameras, speakers, microphone and GPS tracking system. This robot can detect violators and warn the operator. Monitor parking lots and record vehicle license plates, record property lights, check for power outages, and can even check that doors and windows are closed and secure.
The Ascento Guard robot is not supposed to replace human guards but complement them. This means that when the robot detects an incident, it sends an alarm to the operator, and that operator can decide whether it is necessary to send a human guard to the site or not. That way, while the robot takes care of routine tasks, human guards can focus on more critical situations.
AscentoGuard can be installed and up and running in a matter of hours. This robot also has automatic charging capability and can work for more than 4 hours without human intervention. The guard robot can be controlled and monitored through a web interface or mobile app. The web interface provides a live view of camera images and a patrol route map. The companion app allows the operator to communicate with the robot, schedule patrols and generate security reports. The program also integrates with existing image management systems and provides encrypted two-way communication.
One of the most innovative features of AsentoGuard is its AI analytics. Using its data, the robot can identify suspicious patterns such as specific locations and times of accidents or cars that are consistently parked in certain locations. This feature can help prevent future threats.
What do you think about the use of guard robots for security purposes? How far do you think these robots can improve the security of different areas?