Protein is an important nutrient and a large part of every living creature is composed of protein. But why is this nutrient in the body so important and what are the symptoms and signs of protein deficiency?
Protein in the composition and amounts of composition is found in many of the foods we eat and the body cannot save. Therefore, we need to get it constantly through food or supplement so that we do not have a lack of protein.
Protein plays a key role in general health, muscle building and proper functioning. Protein deficiency can have a variety of side effects, from muscle weakness and hair loss to gastrointestinal problems and loss of immune system. In this phytamin, we will first introduce the types of protein deficiency in the body and its diagnosis methods, and then provide ways to compensate for this deficiency.
What are the signs and symptoms of protein deficiency?
Protein deficiency can cause various symptoms in the body and cause many problems for the body’s health and fitness. We now introduce some signs of protein deficiency you need to consider.
1. Muscular analysis
The most important thing for muscle building or maintaining the muscles of the body is protein. In other words, this nutrient is essential for maintaining and growing muscle. If the body does not get enough protein, it begins to break down muscle to meet its needs, leading to reduced muscle mass, weakness and premature fatigue.
2. Hair loss and thinning of the hair strands
A sign of deficiency of the body’s protein is excessive loss and thinning of the hair strands. Protein is critical to the growth and strengthening of hair follicles, and its deficiency can weaken the hair root and thus reduce it. So when your hair starts to thin and fall, consider this as one of the signs of hair protein deficiency and take action to fix the problem.

1. Immune system disruption
Protein plays an important role in making antibodies and strengthening the immune system. Protein deficiency can weaken the immune system and make the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases. As a result, with the lack of protein you may have a lot of illness.
1. A feeling of constant fatigue
One of the symptoms of protein deficiency is the feeling of weakness and persistent fatigue. Protein helps the body supply and its deficiency can reduce energy levels and feel numb. In fact, the feeling of fatigue and constantly is a sign of protein deficiency.
1. Reducing focus and decrease in mental performance
Yes, protein deficiency has a significant impact on mood and brain concentration and function, reducing concentration, slowdown in decision making, and even mood changes such as depression and anxiety in individuals. If you always want to be energetic and focused, you should consider getting enough protein.
1. Increase the feeling of hunger
Protein is one of the most important nutrients that help control appetite. If you do not consume enough protein, you may feel hungry sooner and tend to consume unhealthy and high -calorie foods. Therefore, adequate consumption of protein is a big step for fitness.
1. Skin problems and nails
Protein deficiency can cause dryness and cracking of the skin and brittle nails. The body needs protein to regenerate and maintain skin and nail health.

1. Fluids in the body
Protein deficiency can cause swelling in different areas of the body, especially in the legs, which occur due to a decrease in the level of albumin in the blood.
1. Heal the wounds
The body needs protein to heal the wounds. Recovery of wounds can be a sign of protein deficiency in the body. People with protein deficiency usually heal their wounds later.
How can protein deficiency be diagnosed? (By testing)
Now that you are familiar with a variety of protein deficiency in the body, you may be suspected of deficiency in your body. You can then check your status by performing the following tests:
- Albumin level testAlbumin is one of the most important blood proteins whose levels can indicate protein deficiency. The natural surface of the albumin is between 0.5 and 5 g / dl.
- Test Total Protein Level (Total Protein)A: This test measures the total level of blood proteins. The normal amount of total protein in the body is between 1 and 2.5 grams / dl.
- Blood urea test (bun)A: Blood urea level can indicate the amount of protein decomposition in the body. Its abnormal value can refer to the deficiency or excessive protein.
- Creatinine testA low level of creatinine in the blood can indicate muscle analysis caused by protein deficiency.
If the results of these tests are abnormal, it is best to consult a physician or nutritionist to get a proper plan to compensate for protein deficiency.
How much protein should we consume to compensate for protein deficiency?

The daily requirement of protein depends on factors such as age, gender, level of activity and exercise. Recommended Daily Protein:
- Ordinary people (non -raid): 1.5 g / kg body weight
- Active people and athletes: 1.5 to 2 g / kg body weight
- Bodybuilders and people who do strength training: 1.5 to 2.5 g / kg body weight
- Pregnant and lactating women: About 1.5 grams per kg body weight
For example, if a person weighs 5 kg and is athlete, it needs between 1 and 2 grams of protein daily.
How to provide the protein we need?
So far, we have been introduced to the types of protein deficiency in the body and the way it is diagnosed. We now want to introduce different food sources to prevent protein deficiency. Protein sources are divided into two categories: animal and plant, which we will explain in this section.
Animal protein sources
- Red meat: Protein and iron rich, but it is best to use low -fat types.
- Chicken and turkeyA great source of low -fat protein.
- Fish and seafood: Especially fatty fish such as salmon, which in addition to protein, also have omega -3 fatty acids.
- Egg: One of the best sources of full protein with essential amino acids.
- DairyLike milk, Greek yogurt and cheese, which are good sources of protein and calcium.
Plant protein sources
- Beans: Like lentils, chickpeas, beans and cotyledons, which in addition to protein, also have high fiber.
- Sevilla and Tofu: One of the best sources of plant protein that is ideal for vegetarians.
- Brains and seeds: Such as almonds, walnuts, flaxseed and chia seeds, which in addition to protein, also contain healthy fats.
- Full grains: Like oatmeal and kinoa that have significant protein.
Protein supplements (if needed)
People who cannot get enough protein through the diet can use protein supplements such as protein, casein protein, and plant protein.
Final speech
Protein is one of the most important nutrients to maintain health, strengthen the muscles and function of the body. Symptoms and symptoms of protein deficiency can include muscle weakness, hair loss, fatigue, reduced body immune and skin problems.
To detect protein deficiency, you can do the tests we mentioned and increase the amount of protein intake by consuming protein -rich sources such as meat, eggs, dairy and legumes.
Observing the recommended amount of protein daily and having a balanced diet can prevent protein deficiency in the body and its problems. In this article, we discussed a variety of protein deficiency in the body and introduced ways to eliminate it.
Resources: Healthline