WhatsApp has introduced new features that allow you to make stickers from your selfies, share sticker collections and add new effects to the camera.
By touching the Create Stickers button in the stickers menu, users can now take a selfie, which the application will automatically convert into a sticker and save in the stickers section. Last year, WhatsApp introduced the ability to make stickers from photos and now it has expanded this feature to make the process of making stickers easier and faster.
Also, WhatsApp has added the ability to share sticker collection links directly, allowing you to share your favorite stickers with your friends. In addition, 30 new backgrounds, filters and effects for photos and videos have been introduced, similar to Snapchat lenses or Instagram filters. Previously, these filters and effects were only available in video calls, but now they are available for WhatsApp camera photos and videos as well.
In addition, a new method of replying to messages has been added to the application, which allows you to select the most used reply by double tapping on the desired message.