26 January 1403 at 21:17
The past of the earth is known with dinosaurs; But you should know that before the dinosaurs, there were strange monsters on the earth that could scare you. Although they experienced the worst end in the entire history of the planet.
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 170 million years. They were gigantic and amazing animals and even today they surprise people with their fossils. Although you should know that the earth was full of different animals before the dinosaurs and has a very interesting history. During that period, very intense events occurred and the face of the planet changed forever. For a more detailed examination, we must travel to 300 million years ago, the Permian period.
The Earth has had a fascinating and strange history before the dinosaurs
If you could travel back to the Permian period, you would definitely not know the Earth. At that time, all the continents had joined together and formed the supercontinent Pangea. A world ocean also surrounded this continent. About 300 million years ago, the amount of oxygen on the planet was lower; But man could still breathe. Also, the average air temperature reaches 4 degrees Celsius. After 10 million years, the ice age gradually ended and the global temperature became warmer. This also provided the conditions for the greening of the supercontinent Pangea.
In 290 million years ago, the earth belonged to volcanoes and there were no dinosaurs. Volcanic eruptions were so intense that they changed the face of the earth. Conditions were set for evolution, and trees with new conditions were seen all over Pangea. At this stage, various insects appeared on the planet; But the most important of them were cockroaches. Cockroaches on Earth before dinosaurs were about the same size as today’s crows; But fortunately, they could not take the throne. This title belongs to the ancestor of early mammals, Dimetrodon.
Encountering Dimetrodone was not a pleasant experience. This animal was 5 meters long and its weight reached 225 kg. There was also a strange sail on Dimetrodon’s body, whose exact function is not known. Some think that it is used to regulate the animal’s temperature, and some consider it a defense mechanism to scare others. Dimetrodon was the apex predator of the food pyramid and could tear the body of any animal into pieces with its sharp teeth. On the earth before the dinosaurs, no one dared to approach Dimetrodon.
About 273 million years ago, it was the turn of the Trapsids to rule the planet. They had strong jaws with large teeth. A 5 meter beast that was seen in different species in Pangea. During this period the Earth continued to warm. The average temperature of the earth reached 25 degrees Celsius and volcanoes regularly released greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Life also flowed strongly in the ocean. Bony fish and early sharks lived in the waters. Although it was not Megalodon’s turn yet.
It was almost 260 million years ago that another animal was added to the planet. Lystrosaurus was different from the terrible monsters of that time and was a herbivore. Lystrosaurus can be seen as a combination between pig and reptile. Synodents were also present in this period. They were considered very early, one-meter versions of today’s rats. Everything indicated that the earth is going to be filled with different animals; But something dangerous was happening.

Many volcanic activities had caused a huge amount of gas to enter the atmosphere. As a result, the amount of oxygen in the air had reached only 10%. For comparison, it should be said that currently the air has 21% oxygen. Also, the volcanic fumes caused the temperature of the earth to rise regularly. The work reached a point where the average temperature crossed the border of 28 degrees Celsius and disaster occurred. About 252 million years ago, the Permian period ended. At that time, 90% of all animals and plants on the planet were destroyed.
This strange event is called the Great Extinction and it is considered the deadliest mass extinction event in the history of the earth. Scientists still disagree about the main reason for such a catastrophe; But most people believe that the volcanic ash blocked the sunlight and caused the plants to die. The death of plants also disrupted the food chain and led to the death of animals. Also, the temperature increased regularly and the ocean lost a large part of its oxygen. As a result of this great disaster, 95% of all sea creatures of the Permian period became extinct. Therefore, it can be said that the planet before the dinosaurs was not an attractive option for living.