The Prime Minister of Slovak called “Zelksky” enemy of his country
The Slovak prime minister publicly described Zelnski as an enemy of Slovakia and accused him of having a problem for Slovakia by stopping Russian gas through Ukraine.
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fitsu has criticized Ukrainian President Walodimir Zelnsky’s proposal for transferring Azerbaijan’s gas to Europe and claimed that nothing was ready and no projects are discussed.
According to Dennik N, Prime Minister Slovakia also said Zelksky would distract to avoid making difficult decisions.
“Our enemy is Zelnski,” he said. Zelnsky creates problems for us. I don’t like her because she hit Slovakia. “
The Slovak prime minister continued to threaten to prevent the decision to send aid to Ukraine.
January 9, he plans to talk to the European Commission on gas supply issues for Slovakia.
He also intensified his criticism of Ukraine after Kiev rejected his request to extend the Russian gas transfer after 2.
In response, Fitu has raised several threats against Ukraine, including a halt to Ukrainian electricity exports and a decline in support for Ukrainian asylum seekers seeking to fight in Slovakia.
On January 1, Russian gas transit was halted through Ukraine with the end of the year’s contract between the Russian Gazprom and the Ukrainian Oil and Gas. The Russian company said it was not legally and technically capable of continuing the gas through a pipeline that was supplied by Moldova and the four EU countries, Slovakia, Austria, Italy and the Czech Republic.
“If they inform us in the next three weeks that Ukraine has blocked everything (on the issue of gas transit), I will easily block funding to Ukraine,” Fitsu said during a meeting of the European Parliamentary Commission. »
He added that it is ready to veto the EU plan to send € 5 billion to Ukraine.
The end of the message
(Tagstotranslate) Slovakia (T) Robert Fitu (T) Ukraine War