Anoushirvan Mohseni Bandpi, Deputy Director of Tourism of the country on the eve of Nowruz and the start of trips, visited the National Travel System in the Tourism and Automotive Center. During the visit, accompanied by Mohammad Hossein Sufi, CEO of Tourism and Automotive Center, said:
One of the main services of the National Travel System, which is provided on a four -hour travel system, is to provide accurate and up -to -date information about the country’s recreational, natural, historical and tourist attractions, accommodation, road status and climate conditions to travelers and tourists.
The Deputy Director of Tourism continued:
According to statistics obtained, more than 6,000 contacts have been made from March 1-8, with the most of the calls, respectively in accommodation centers, tourist attractions and road status, respectively.
Mohseni Bandpi, registering and following complaints, suggestions and comments on the country’s tourism facilities and infrastructure, including system services, added:
Over the past 5 days, about 2 complaints were registered by experts from the system and were rapidly investigated, resulting in more than 5 % of these calls responded to the final result.
He said: “He said:” He said: ”
More than 5 car relief units have been deployed around the clock in the country’s main axes, and about 5 specialist and skilled manpower are ready to help travelers in emergencies.
The Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, referring to the launch of the “no accident” scout, reminded the statistics of road accidents last year, adding: ”
Statistics show that about 1,600 people have died in road accidents. This is a worrying figure, and officials are trying to spend Nowruz 2 with minimal road casualties by implementing preventive measures and comprehensive participation.
Mohseni Bandpi said:
The Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts will also implement programs within the 5 -kilometer areas of cities to reduce accidents. As a result, it is hoped that by joining this traffic and compliance with traffic laws, Nowruz will be accompanied by safe and memorable trips for all dear compatriots.