Shahrood Amir Ejami, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex, said:
With respect to religious dignity and respect for the fasting, cultural, artistic and religious programs are focused on promoting the ethical values and Iranian -Islamic lifestyle. Also, children’s programs, cultural exhibitions, and the museums of the complex, including Niavaran Palace, Koushak Ahmad Shahi and the Jahanmah Museum, Museum of Dedicated Library, Museum of Dedicated Car, are set up during Nowruz hours.
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
Emir of the selection added:
The necessary measures to better serve visitors, increase the hours of visiting and provide welfare services are other measures taken to welcome the spiritual spring and the spring of nature.
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
Referring to the synchronization of the nights of the martyrdom of Prophet Ali (PBUH) with the first week of Nowruz, he said:
In the first week of Nowruz, mourning ritual programs, al -Qaeda’s dramatic rituals, a group defense will be performed on the western side of the palace in the western side of the palace, by the Prophet Ali (AS) for the Nights of Ghadr.
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
The director of Niavaran Palace explained the events of the second week:
With the end of mourning, programs such as children’s music, children’s special performances and traditional plays, the performance of Nowruz and Spring Rituals, the performance of Dahl to welcome Nowruz tourists, performing local music and rituals of Iranian ethnicity, Shahnameh and Narrahi, performing and singing. Performance game is played in the museum garden with the simulation of historical figures on April 5 (except April 5).
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
Electoral, introducing cultural exhibitions, artistic exhibitions in the museums of the collection, said:
On the occasion of Ramadan, the Holy Qur’an will be displayed by Mustafa Nazif as well as Ali Mahfouz in the museum of the dedicated library at the museum. The “Nowruz in Golestan” exhibition, with the theme of Nowruz greetings in the Qajar period, from the Treasury of the Golestan Palace World Heritage Collection at Niavaran Palace and the Environmental Exhibition includes a report of restaurant and construction projects carried out at the Sahebqaraniyah Museum Palace in the courtyard of the Museum of Museum.
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
He also referred to field programs in Nowruz 2, adding:
Preservation of Nowruz and Iftar World Register with Environmental Decoration with Norouz and Ramadan Elmans, Photo Exhibition “Niavaran Garden Museum” in Niavaran Historical Garden, Exhibition of Faghshem Crafts and Traditional Arts along with live performances of artists and masters of illumination, painting In the Niavaran Blue Hall, the Nowruz Festival of Iranian tribes with souvenir content and handicrafts in the complex and exhibition of Iranian handmade at the World Gallery is one of the field programs intended for Nowruz.
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
The director of Niavaran Palace emphasized the creation of a memorable Nowruz for children, especially with the implementation of child programs in the complex, said:
Special Program “Nowruz Dolls”; Child storytelling workshop focused on introducing Nowruz rituals in collaboration with the Museum of Dolls of the United Nations on the fourth, eighth and 11th days of April in the courtyard of the world, as well as the “Creative Mind” workshop, including a game or a rational game, a game of tile. (Video Rubica or Cubic Gurchin), Fingerprint pottery, soil explore, a little blue story for programs that runs one to 5 April (except for the second and April 5) for children and adolescents on the southern side of the private palace.
– Shahrood Amir Qandi, Director of Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex
Niavaran Historical Cultural Complex is active in Nowruz from 1 to 15 April (except for the second and thirteenth April) from 9am to 6 pm.