Were the Egyptian pyramids made by space creatures? By exploring the heart of history, there have been various theories about how to make this ancient wonders.
Are the Egyptian pyramids so surprising that it cannot be believed that the result of the human work of ancient Egyptian inhabitants? If so, does it mean that they are made by space creatures? In this article, we read Rob Attar’s interview with Professor Joyce Tyldesley about the origin of the pyramids. The interview shows that there is a great deal of evidence of the reality of these monuments. Of all the examples of the pyramids in Egypt, the most famous is undoubtedly the “Great Pyramid of Giza”. This pyramid is the oldest wonders of the ancient world and its only survivor. The Giza Pyramid, for nearly 2.5 years, was known as the tallest human -made structure in the world.
Learn more about the theory of pyramids by space creatures:
Are the Egyptian pyramids made by space creatures?
Today, more than 5 pyramids, which are the great masterpieces of architecture and the enduring memorials of ancient Pharaohs, remain in Egypt; But the complexity of the pyramids creates a significant challenge for archaeologists studying ancient Egypt. Exactly how this civilization has made such magnificent and precise monuments like Stone Ganj technically? There are many challenging theories to answer the questions and how the pyramids have made. There is even a strange theory of the pyramids that raises this exciting question: Are the creatures of the space creatures of ancient Egyptian pyramids?
According to this theory, the Egyptian pyramids have not been the result of tens of years of construction projects, with tens of thousands of people, massive organizational and administrative efforts, many sources of stone and architects and expert engineers; Rather, they are made by space creatures, or at least space creatures have shown them how to make them. Extraterrestrial interference was not the only theory that explains how such magnificent monuments have by an ancient civilization. There are also such theories about the people of Atlantis. Many of the riddles of the Egyptian pyramids, from the way they were built, to the content within them, remain unknown to the present; So it may not be surprising that there are many misunderstandings as well as many conspiracy theories to explain the secrets of these pyramids.
Photo Source: Popularmechanics.com; Photographer: Unknown
Evidence of rejecting the theory of Egyptian pyramids by spaces
Archaeological evidence shows that ancient Egyptian pyramids were built not by space creatures, but by large groups of Egyptian workers equipped with strong and effective and coherent organizational guidance. Professor Joyce Tildsley, an Egyptologist at the University of Manchester, explains:
If we consider the Great Pyramid of Giza, we find that they are made by workers’ groups. These people worked either in the service of the country or in the form of slaves.
Workers had relatively elementary but effective tools. They were able to cut stone blocks, move them to the construction site, and gradually hold the pyramid. He continues:
There are parts of technology that we can’t see today, for example ramps used in these steps; But it was definitely the large amount of manpower that made everything possible.
The presence of a limestone mine near the large pyramid site, plus evidence of workers’ camps, shows how widespread the project was.
Professor Tildsley adds:
We also have evidence of how the workers and cemeteries are nourished.
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But it is only in the past 5 to 5 years that our understanding of the pyramids has made significant progress. This long and vacuum time has led to the expansion of non -scientific theories in this field. According to Professor Tildsley, Egyptians, archaeologists and historians can provide evidence with further efforts that are a valid replacement for ideas and non -scientific ideas such as the construction of pyramids by space creatures. Professor Tildesti goes on to say:
The construction of the pyramids not only enhances the evolution of construction techniques; Rather, it also promoted national services to coordinate all workers, develop boats to carry wood or stone, advance medical skills to deal with accidents, and possibly increase collective and social sense. I think the construction of the pyramids has been essential to Egypt’s progress.
Photo Source: Posterazzi.com; Picturer: Unknown
What is the source of the theory of Egyptian pyramids by spaces?
Although the pyramids have existed more than four millennium in many civilizations around the world, the idea of space creatures to build pyramids is a relatively new idea. Tildsley says:
In my opinion, this idea after the publication of the book War of the Worlds by HG. Wells (HG Wells) developed in Year 2. This book was the start of writing a collection of sci -fi books. Especially in year 2, the book “Fatah Mars by Edison” by American astronomer and writer Gareth P. The service “(Garrett P. Serviss) was written, which points to the large pyramid and Abu al -Wahol are Martian structures. From a scientific point of view, this book is not to be real and only a fictional story; But the idea that a person, outside the ground may have visited Egypt and made the pyramids, was among the people.
According to research, in year 2, the Swiss author Eric Von Däniken, his best -selling book, The Chariot of the gods? He published the unresolved secrets of the past, which played an important role in the prevalence of this theory. In this book, ancient astronauts have visited the earth and were welcomed as God. These astronauts have had a huge impact on the cultures, religions, technologies and, of course, ancient civilizations.
Photo Source: Wiki Media Website; Photographer: Kingn8link
The reasons for the prevalence of Egyptian pyramid theory by space
Many people believe that ancient space creatures have visited the Earth and have provided their superior and advanced knowledge to the earth. The creation of this belief has many reasons; One of the important reasons is that no one wants to believe that ancient civilization can really build such magnificent buildings; Therefore, the construction of these buildings is attributed to an external force.
Professor Tildsley says:
The rationale of these theories means that we are not grateful for the past people; Because we have sufficient evidence that these people could build these astonishing and tall buildings; But I think it is beyond that. Before the idea of aliens helping the pyramids, the idea was that the Atlantis people might have helped, and we had the idea that God has inspired the creators. The long sequence and side of the changing theories may be due to the life of the pyramids; They were far from the past and are always. These buildings have them themselves astonishing and confusion. Because we did not know that the ancient Egyptians could not understand the real reason for the pyramids to live after death and issues related to what they believed, so we had to look for other justifications.
Photo Source: SUCHSCience.net; AI: AI
What do you think about this? Do you also believe that the Egyptian pyramids are made by space? Please share your views with other users.
Photo Source: Historyextra.com; Photographer: Unknown
Frequently asked questions
Did the Egyptian pyramids build space creatures?
Archaeological evidence shows that ancient Egyptian pyramids were built not by space creatures, but by large groups of Egyptian workers equipped with strong and effective and coherent organizational guidance.
What is the source of the theory of Egyptian pyramids by spaces?
The origin of the theory of pyramids made by space creatures appears to be published by Gran Payyon’s sci -fi books such as “Mars Conquest by Edison”. Be a service that points out, the large pyramid and Abu al -Wahul are Martian structures.