One of the necessities of traveling abroad is to carry money. Travel currency is money that is given to individuals by the government at a lower price. In order to receive travel currency, you must meet certain conditions, and to receive travel currency, you need to take actions and bring documents with you. In this article, we provide a complete tutorial on how to get travel currency and its latest rules in 1403, and we say how much travel currency is in 1403 and where to get it, the Yes application, the bank or ATMs available in Airport. We suggest that you read this article carefully before taking any action related to obtaining travel currency.
Guide to receiving travel currency in 1403
What is travel currency?
If you plan to travel abroad, you can receive an amount as an allowance from the government. Travel currency is basically a government allowance for traveling abroad. It should be noted that this allowance is given to each person only once a year, and in simpler terms, it is a one-time privilege from the government to people who intend to travel abroad.
It should be noted that travel currency is provided based on the resolution issued by the Central Bank. It is also necessary to pay attention that with this method you can buy your desired currency at a lower price. Travel currency is provided first in the form of a money order and finally in the form of a bank note. A banknote is the same money in people's hands and a paper towel is worth the same amount of money and is converted into money. You can receive travel currency in Euros, Dollars or Pounds. The necessary information and conditions to receive travel currency are in the rest of the article.
Travel currency price 1403
In addition to the travel currency, there is also free currency, which is offered by the open market, reliable online sites and also reliable exchanges. The price of 1403 travel currency is lower than the free currency price. The price of travel currency is mentioned online and daily on the website of Central Bank, National Exchange Company of Iran and also the system of Iran Exchange Center. For example, on March 27, 1402, the approximate price of Euro travel currency in the form of bank notes is 472,442 Rials and in the form of money order is 440,711 Rials. This is while the free currency price of Euro is 655,450 Rials on the same day, March 27. The amount of travel dollars in the form of bills and money order as well as the free rate is 433,696 Rials, 404,567 Rials and 601,400 Rials, respectively.
How much is the travel currency?
The amount of travel currency is determined by the central bank every year. The amount of travel currency in 1402 for air travel and travel to countries that require a visa, 500 euros travel currency and for water and land travel and visa-free countries 300 euros travel currency. However, according to the announcement of the Central Bank, the amount of travel currency in 1403 is a maximum of 1000 euros.
Where to get travel currency?
First, you need to get your ticket and then go to one of the authorities mentioned below to get travel currency. It should be noted that travel currency is provided both in person and in person.
How to get travel currency from the bank
Bank Melli, Mellat and Saman are three banks that issue travel currency. To receive travel currency from these operating banks, it is enough to have some required documents and then go to the desired bank. After preparing the application form, it is necessary to pay the amount of travel currency and then receive the transfer of travel currency from the bank. Of course, it should be noted that in the past, banks also offered travel currency as bank notes, but for some time now they only give money orders and you have to receive the bank notes at the airport.
Training to receive travel currency online from Yes
Another way you can get travel currency is offline and online through the Yes application. This application belongs to National Bank, which provides offline service. To receive travel currency from the Yes application, first install this “Yes” software. Now you enter the “My Bank” widget. Then complete the process of receiving travel currency by selling travel currency and entering personal information and the desired currency amount. After completing the steps, a code will be provided to you, which you need to be diligent in maintaining this code. You can receive your travel currency by presenting this code to the Melli Bank currency receiving station at the airport.
How to get travel currency at the airport?
To receive currency, before any action, it is necessary to register your request through the mentioned banks or Yes system and receive the remittance or its code. Now go to the airport, after the reception and inspection, and right after the police gate, you can get your travel currency by presenting the money order or the desired code. Note that there are both currency counters and bank branches at the airport.
How to get travel currency from a bank teller

A law has been put in place to keep you safe and also to ensure that your trip is safe. According to this law, it is necessary for you to carry the currency transfer or the code that you have received from the banks and the Yes application, respectively, so that you can receive your travel currency at ATMs located in international airports.
Conditions for obtaining travel currency 1403
To make this article more complete, we need to explain the conditions for obtaining travel currency 1403 and also the documents required to receive this currency so that there is no doubt and you can get your travel currency as soon as possible.
Documents to receive travel currency
In order to get the amount of travel currency you want, you need to prepare some documents. These necessary documents to receive travel currency are:
- Foreign travel plane ticket with agency seal (online purchase: printed ticket or plane ticket tracking code)
- Original and copy of passport with at least 6 months validity
- Valid bank account
- Having a visa and its copy
- Original and copy of national card
- Original and copy of birth certificate
- Receipt of payment of fees for leaving Iran
- Carrying the desired amount of Rials
- Personal and valid mobile number
- Travel currency request form
Conditions for obtaining travel currency: Who is given travel currency?
In addition to preparing documents to receive travel currency, it is necessary to have some conditions to be able to receive travel currency. These conditions include the following:
Passport valid for at least 6 months | Submit all the documents |
At least 12 years old | Having Iranian citizenship |
Not receiving travel currency this year | Not having a service or political passport |
The person's presence when receiving travel currency at the airport | Carrying a plane ticket |
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Frequently asked questions about getting travel currency
Yes, according to the notification of the central bank, people over 12 years old can apply for travel currency.
Yes, travel currency is given to travelers who intend to travel by land or even by sea, and only the amount will be less.
Visa-free countries are also awarded distance currency and their currency amount is a little less than visa-required countries. Approximately the amount of travel currency for visa-free countries in 1402 was 300 euros.
Travel currency is also awarded to Turkey. Travel currency for Türkiye is 1000 dollars.
In general, the limit of travel currency in 1403 is 1000 euros.
Travel currency is awarded to each person only once a year.
According to calculations on March 27, 1402, there is a difference of approximately 200,000 rials between the price of travel currency and free currency.