At the beginning of 2024, a new Telegram update was released. This version includes the most historical update for Telegram bots and several other features.
Telegram, the popular messenger of Iranians, released a new update in the early hours of 2024, which improves the overall performance of the messenger, reduces battery consumption, displays the Thanos effect when deleting messages, and most importantly, we are witnessing the biggest update of Telegram bots. .
What is happening in the new Telegram update?
Every time a new version of Telegram messenger is released, users are waiting for new features and facilities. What is happening in the new version? In the rest of this post, stay with us with everything you need to know about the Telegram update.
The biggest upgrade of Telegram bots
Telegram bot is one of its most attractive features that has been available to business owners for several years and they use it to communicate with customers and provide them with various service facilities. The Telegram bot platform is available to everyone for free, and with its rich features, they allow you to use simple chat to the implementation of advanced mini-applications.
Now, during the delivery hours of the New Year, Telegram has prepared a great gift for businesses, which will be available to everyone with this update. From now on, bots can react to users' messages, manage other users' reactions, and manage quotes and links. Additionally, bots are able to post replies on discussion pages and other threads.
Lottery and the support section are two of the premium Telegram features that are available to bot owners. After tonight's update, you will also be able to see the results of the lottery and the support received.
Thanos effect when deleting a message
In the previous update of its iOS version, Telegram displayed an attractive effect when auto-deleting messages were deleted. This effect would break and shatter the message like glass and then erase it from the screen. This effect is called Thanos, whose design was inspired by the Marvel superhero world.
In the new version of Telegram messenger, this effect is now displayed when deleting any message in both Android and iOS versions.
Upgrade the contacts section
For several years, Telegram has been providing its users with the possibility to contact their audience. But in addition to talking and video calling, you can also share your phone screen in a secure platform.
In the latest Telegram update, the appearance of the calls section has been improved and with new animations and different background images, it provides you with a new experience when starting or ending a call. By optimizing the energy consumption of effects during calls, Telegram will simultaneously improve system performance and increase your phone's charging capacity.