Artificial intelligence has entered all kinds of industries and is playing a more important role day by day, and for this reason, there is an undeniable necessity to examine the risks of artificial intelligence. With the amazing progress of artificial intelligence, this technology can amazingly improve many aspects of life, but on the other hand, we should not ignore its possible dangers.
Considering that a significant number of experts warn about the possible dangers of artificial intelligence, it is better to pay attention to these warnings. On the other hand, some argue that such views are merely being raised to stir up controversy and that there is no immediate danger from AI.
So are AI concerns serious or should we ignore them? In this article, let’s mention 5 important risks of artificial intelligence that can cause many problems in the near future.
What are the dangers of artificial intelligence?
This technology is becoming more complex day by day, and this development can lead to various risks, including simple cases (disruption of work) to catastrophic risks. Due to the difference of opinion on this issue, there is no common and comprehensive view regarding the level of risks of artificial intelligence. But what are the risks of artificial intelligence? It is generally believed that AI can be dangerous in two ways:
- This technology is programmed to do something malicious.
- This technology can be programmed to be useful but do something destructive while achieving its goal.
These risks are amplified by the complexity of AI software. Years ago, a famous philosopher named Nick Bostrom published a book in which he proposed a scenario called “Maximizing the Paperclip”. Suppose an artificial intelligence is developed to produce the maximum number of paper clips possible, he says. If this AI is smart enough, it can destroy the entire world to achieve this goal.
But apart from these catastrophic risks that do not seem to materialize in the near future, we can point to 5 immediate risks that can cause a lot of problems in the next few years.
1. Automation of jobs from the dangers of artificial intelligence
Automation is one of the most important risks of artificial intelligence for different jobs. From factories to self-driving cars, the beginnings of automation date back decades, but it is accelerating day by day.
The problem is that for many different tasks, AI systems perform better than humans. All in all, in these cases, they are cheaper, more accurate and more efficient than humans. For example, artificial intelligence is better than human experts at detecting forgery of works of art, and now these systems are getting better at detecting tumors through radiographic images.
On the other hand, when artificial intelligence takes over many jobs, a large part of the workers who lost their jobs will not be able to find a new job due to lack of required expertise or lack of credits. With the advancement of artificial intelligence systems, their skills to perform various tasks will be better than humans, and work disruption can lead to an increase in social inequality and even an economic disaster.
2. Security and privacy
The main problem is that with the increase in security concerns based on artificial intelligence and its risks, preventive measures using artificial intelligence will also increase. This problem also raises the question of how do we secure AI systems? If we use AI algorithms to defend against security concerns, we must also ensure that the AI ​​system itself is secure.
In the field of privacy, large companies have come under the knife of governments and regulatory bodies to a significant extent in the past few years. It should be noted that about 2.5 terabytes of data are generated by users every day, and advanced algorithms using this data can create very detailed profiles for displaying ads.
Among other concerns, we can mention facial recognition technologies, and reports indicate that some police forces in different countries use smart glasses equipped with facial recognition software to identify wanted criminals or suspicious people. Such technologies can lead to the spread of authoritarian regimes or be exploited by individuals or groups with malicious intent.
3. Artificial intelligence malware
AI is getting better and better at hacking security systems and breaking various encryptions. Part of this is due to the evolution of machine learning algorithms. This means that AI-based malware gets better with trial and error, and its risk increases over time.
Some smart technologies (such as self-driving cars) are ideal targets for this type of malware and can be used to cause traffic accidents or traffic jams, for example. As our dependence on Internet-based smart technologies increases, our daily lives are increasingly affected by the risk of disruption.
4. Autonomous weapons are another danger of artificial intelligence
Autonomous weapons—weapons that are controlled by AI systems instead of humans—have been around for a long time and can be considered one of AI’s dangers to humans. In this context, we should mention the warning of hundreds of technology experts who asked the United Nations to create a way to protect humanity against autonomous weapons.
The military forces of different countries currently have access to weapons based on artificial intelligence or weapons that partially rely on these systems. For example, we can point to military drones that, for example, can track a person very accurately by using facial recognition systems.
But what happens when we let AI algorithms make life and death decisions without human intervention? Such capabilities can have disastrous consequences.
6. Deepfake and fake news from the disadvantages of artificial intelligence
Deepfake technology is becoming more advanced day by day and it is more difficult to detect fake videos based on it. Although currently this technology is mainly used to make fake videos of famous people, but even now some fraudsters use the profile picture of ordinary people in social networks to make fake videos of them in order to receive ransom. In addition, we must mention the use of artificial intelligence to edit images and simulate sound, which can have a great impact on society. As a result, the complications of using deepfake should be considered as one of the disadvantages of artificial intelligence.
last word
With the advancement of artificial intelligence, its applications will also increase. But unfortunately, a powerful new technology is always at risk of abuse. These risks affect all aspects of our daily lives; From privacy and political security to job automation. The first step in reducing the risks of artificial intelligence is to decide in which situations to use this technology and in which situations to avoid using it.
What do you think about this? Is artificial intelligence dangerous? Or should such warnings not be taken seriously? Share your thoughts with us and others in the comments section.
Source: Make Use Of