The newest feature ChatGP Called “custom instructions,” it will potentially make you type a little less, and even so, the OpenAI chatbot can remember some of your information forever. The new feature is now in beta and is available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers everywhere except the UK and EU.
Joan Zhang, who works on model and product behaviors at OpenAI, explains to The Verge:
“Currently, if you open ChatGPT, it doesn’t know much about you. If you start a new topic, it will forget everything you’ve talked about so far. But there may be some things in all conversations.
Use cases of the new ChatGPT feature
Zhang has mentioned several examples. For example, if you’re a teacher, you can include “I teach 3rd grade” in your custom instructions so that the bot can tailor its answers to the age group of your students every time you’re looking for facts about the moon. Or, if you’re always cooking for a family of six, you can include that in your custom recipes to ensure ChatGPT suggests the right amount of ingredients.
Simply put, with this feature you can always have some kind of permanent introduction to your questions so that you only ask ChatGPT the main points instead of creating a long question with all the context and information you need.
However, as mentioned later in this report, adding these instructions will increase the complexity of your request, which can make a tool like ChatGPT more prone to making mistakes or creating false information.
Zhang notes that with this feature, ChatGPT will be able to get to know you more easily and can be a much faster and more useful virtual assistant.