With his “Neuralink” project, Elon Musk intends to improve the activity of the human brain to a different level, where the interaction of the mind with the computer will no longer be a dream.
This company, as its name means “neural link”, is actually engaged in making tools for direct communication with the brain. For this reason, he gathered a number of the most expert people to design and produce brain-computer interfaces.
The test version of the Nuralink product, known as “Link”, has so far shown its effectiveness in several previews, and each time it has created more surprises than before. From implanting on the brain of a pig without harming it to computer and accurate prediction of monkey behavior have been part of these activities.
Neuralink communicates with the brain using the Link N1 chip, which is implanted in the skull. Wires several times thinner than a human hair are connected to this chip, which is transplanted into the brain. These wires are located close to important parts of the brain and can record the messages that are transmitted between neurons (nerve cells).
N1 is able to communicate with 1,000 different brain cells, and a patient can have up to 10 N1 chips at the same time. These chips connect wirelessly to a wearable hearing aid-like device that includes Bluetooth and a battery and is placed on the user’s ear.
According to Elon Musk, this device can help people with disabilities and even expand our abilities, our society and our world in the future. Things like storing memories, telepathy, and even mastering various sciences without years of training could be among the results of such technologies.
In this video, CNet takes a closer look at this futuristic gadget and examines its uses from various angles.