The autumn quarterly magazine “Artificial Intelligence Observer” with the theme “Machine Intelligence; The emergence of the paradigm of fundamental models in the world and Iran” was published, in this issue the concepts, applications and types of local and global language models are examined.
It was in 1397 that the artificial intelligence watch collection started its activity; The purpose of forming this collection was to make first-hand analytical and descriptive content of artificial intelligence available to the activists of the country’s artificial intelligence ecosystem and those interested in new technologies.
During its 6 years of operation, the artificial intelligence watch group managed to publish several volumes of books and publications on the topic of artificial intelligence and related technologies and succeeded in providing basic information to the decision makers and main actors of this ecosystem, as a reliable and reliable reference for professors and students. and researchers to be known.
If you have been an audience of this industry, you will realize that in the last few months, the speed of artificial intelligence developments has increased so much that the media and publications are required to keep up with this rapid flow. In this way, the artificial intelligence watcher has adapted itself to this trend and by publishing special issues in bi-quarterly format, it informs the audience about the most up-to-date news in this field.
The second issue of the Watch Quarterly focuses on one of the transformative technologies in the field of artificial intelligence or “fundamental models” and examines its impact on the realization of intelligence.
This special issue expresses the topics and concepts related to linguistic models (LLMs), including transformers, big data, machine vision, etc., in an understandable language for non-specialist audiences, so that in addition to artificial intelligence activists, other interested parties can also use the practical content of this quarterly magazine. .
As you may have noticed, this AI Watch feature acts as a gateway to bring new audiences into the world of LLMs, saving them from checking and monitoring multiple sources.
All the data used in the watch publications are collected from the most up-to-date and reliable global sources, and the information about the country’s artificial intelligence ecosystem is provided through first-class and authored data.
Behban publications meet the needs of all people and organizations that somehow interact with artificial intelligence or are interested in this field.
This special issue of the watcher will help the policy makers and decision makers of the ecosystem of artificial intelligence and language models to take more informed steps by relying on valid data and realize the clear vision of this technology with the correct rail.
In addition, companies, developers and entrepreneurs in the field of artificial intelligence get to know the latest tools and trends of artificial intelligence through the watch and adjust their product strategy based on this data.
Libraries, research institutes, and all scientific and educational centers across the country can also enrich their portfolio of publications related to artificial intelligence and inform their users of the latest achievements in this field by preparing the watch magazine.
The long-term goal of the watchdog is to play an effective role in the integration and foresight of the country’s artificial intelligence ecosystem, and it tries to promote this technology at the national level by introducing artificial intelligence activists and their achievements. For this reason, some of the best collections of native language model developers as well as a number of Persian language models such as Toka, Derna, Shiraz, Tehran, Fabbert, Sinabert, etc. have been introduced in the autumn special issue of Dehban, so that the audience is familiar with the latest achievements in the field of artificial intelligence in the country. become
The second issue of “Artificial Intelligence Watch Quarterly” with the topic “Machine Intelligence; The emergence of the paradigm of fundamental models of artificial intelligence in Iran and the world” was recently published and is now available for purchase.
Those who are interested and active in the field of artificial intelligence can order this special issue online through the link to purchase the watch magazine.