About the movieThe BrutalistWith the role of “Adrien Brody”, a famous American actor, many positive reviews have been raised and he has been nominated for several awards in several festivals, but now there is a lot of news about this film due to the use of artificial intelligence. The Hungarian editor of this film says that he used artificial intelligence tools to correct the accents of the actors.
Dávid Jancsó, the editor of The Brutalist, said in an interview with RedShark News that he used artificial intelligence to correct Adrien Brody’s accent and bring it closer to the Hungarian accent. Of course, he says that he was careful not to affect the games of this famous actor and mainly replaced only sounds and letters with artificial intelligence. “My mother tongue is Hungarian and I know it’s one of the hardest languages to learn the pronunciations of,” says Yanchesu.
The use of artificial intelligence in the movie The Brutalist
In the three-and-a-half-hour film Brutalist, Adrien Brody plays a Jewish-Hungarian architect. Although Brody’s mother is Hungarian, apparently the actor’s accent was not up to the standards of the film editor; For this reason, Yanchesko has used his own voice with the help of Respeecher artificial intelligence program to make Brody’s accent more beautiful. He also did this for “Felicity Jones”, the famous English actress who plays the role of Brody’s wife in the movie.
The moment Yancheso talks about is about 2 minutes into the movie where Brody’s character reads a letter to his wife out loud. The entire letter is in Hungarian. Jancescu says that before using artificial intelligence, they tried different tools and methods to get the actors to do the right accent, but none of them worked.
Critics say Adrien Brody has a chance to win this year’s Best Actor Oscar, but a comment by the film’s editor that the actor couldn’t get the Hungarian accent right may sway Oscar judges.

Of course, according to Yanchesko, the use of artificial intelligence in this film was inevitable. “Artificial intelligence has just made the process so much faster,” he says. “We used artificial intelligence to create small details that we didn’t have the money or time to re-record.”