LG and Samsung have announced their 2025 smart TVs at CES. Some have access to Microsoft’s Copilot AI assistant. Both TV makers are following the AI excitement train in dedicated sections of their smart TVs, which include a shortcut to the web app to access the Copilot AI assistant.
Copilot assistant on LG smart TVs
LG is adding a full artificial intelligence component to its TVs and renaming the company’s remote control to “AI Remote”. It’s unclear exactly how Copilot will work on LG’s latest TVs, but the company sees Copilot access as a way for users to efficiently find and organize complex information using content cues.
LG has yet to show Copilot integration into its products, but it did show off its AI chatbot as part of its TVs. Copilot seems to appear when TV users want to get more information about a certain topic.
Using Copilot services on Samsung smart TVs
This year, Samsung introduced the “Vision AI” brand for its TVs, which includes improvements in artificial intelligence, automatic HDR reconstruction and Adaptive Sound Pro. It also has a new AI button on the remote to access AI features like on-screen food recognition or home security features that analyze smart camera videos.
Microsoft’s Copilot will be part of Vision AI. In a press release, Samsung announced that the company, in collaboration with Microsoft, will introduce new smart TVs and monitors with Microsoft Copilot. This partnership enables users to enjoy a wide range of Copilot services on their televisions.