After widespread criticism from users, Meta has announced that it has removed a number of artificial intelligence accounts. The vice president of this company recently said that their social networks are going to be filled with these AI characters.
Meta first created artificial intelligence user accounts on Instagram and Facebook platforms in late 2023. These user accounts have been active on these platforms since then, usually sharing AI-generated images and being able to chat with users via Direct, but these AI characters have recently come under fire, prompting Meta to back off.
Meta removed AI-created user accounts
These user accounts were separated from other accounts with the tag “AI managed by Meta”, they were directly managed by Meta and had not been updated in the past few months, but the recent interview of one of the managers of Meta again raised sensitivities to these types of accounts.
Connor Hayes, Meta’s VP of AI, recently mentioned in an interview with the Financial Times that the company’s ultimate goal is to populate its platforms with AI production profiles. These profiles can interact with others like normal profiles.
This decision of meta was not liked by the users and some of them published their experiences of talking with these artificial intelligence production accounts. Some users called such profiles “scary” and “unnecessary”. After the criticism, Meta decided to remove some of these user accounts from Instagram and Facebook platforms.
In response to this issue, a spokesperson for Meta said that the interview of the company’s artificial intelligence vice president with the Financial Times had been misinterpreted, and that the Financial Times article reflected Meta’s view on the AI characters available on the company’s platforms over time, not the unveiling of a new product. This spokesperson also mentioned that artificial intelligence user accounts in Meta are managed by humans and are part of an experimental project.