The artificial intelligence startup in Silicon Valley has become controversial with its recent advertisement. In an ad titled “Stop Hiring Humans,” the startup urged other companies to consider hiring AI-based employees.
The AI startup, called Artisan, is backed by the Y-Combinator accelerator and headquartered in Silicon Valley, America‘s tech heartland, according to Gizmodo. Artisan sells software designed to aid customer service and sales workflows.
Attracting attention with controversial advertisements of artificial intelligence startup Artisan
At first glance, the field of activity of this startup may not have much to do with artificial intelligence, and it seems that this company has used the advertising slogan “Stop hiring humans” to draw attention to its campaign. The CEO of this startup also mentioned that they used such slogans to attract attention.
The messages that Artisan has considered for their campaign are very interesting; For example, one of these messages says “Artisans (AI workers) don’t complain about work-life balance” or, for example, the AI workers’ Zoom cameras never stop working.
“Hire artisans, not humans” and “the age of artificial intelligence employees has arrived” are other slogans of this startup’s advertising campaign.
The issue of replacing human labor with robots and artificial intelligence agents has become one of the biggest concerns of working people. Previously, Goldman Sachs predicted that by 2030, more than 300 million jobs worldwide will be replaced by artificial intelligence. Recent commercials for artificial intelligence agents show that this prediction may not be so far-fetched.
Nvidia’s CEO recently said that AI can do some tasks a thousand times better than humans, and that he sees a day when the company will have more than 100 million AI assistants.