second generation Ray-Ben Meta smart glasses It was equipped with the tech giant’s artificial intelligence assistant. While this feature was relatively limited when the glasses were released, Meta now offers new artificial intelligence capabilities such as system reminder and Simultaneous translation It has unveiled Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses that can completely transform its experience.
In one of its most important upgrades, Rayben Meta smart glasses will soon be equipped with simultaneous translation capabilities. According to meta description, later this year this feature will be available for english, French, Italian and spanish It will be available which can make it a useful travel accessory.
You can see this feature in the video below:
Task reminder with Meta smart glasses
According to Mark Zuckerberg’s explanation, with the glasses reminder system, you can look at the items in your surroundings and ask the Meta AI to record a new reminder about them. For example, by looking at a book you can ask Meta AI to remind you to buy it.
The glasses are now also able to scan QR codes and call the phone number written in front of you.
Additionally, Meta plans to add video support to its AI so that the glasses can better scan your surroundings and answer related questions.