Jony Ive, the legendary Apple designer, has confirmed that he is working on an artificial intelligence-related device in collaboration with OpenAI. Ive left Apple more than 5 years ago and has been working on his own projects ever since.
The New York Times, which reviewed the profile and work projects of Jony Ive after leaving Apple in 2019, confirms in part of a new article that the famous former Apple designer is working with Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, to build artificial intelligence hardware. . The news of IO’s cooperation with OpenAI to make artificial intelligence hardware has been published in the media since last year, but it is still unclear what uses this device has and when it will enter the market.
Jony Ive designed OpenAI artificial intelligence device
More details of the joint product of Ive and Altman have not yet been released. The two are said to have met through Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky. According to a New York Times report, Io and Altman discussed how generative artificial intelligence could enable the creation of a new computing device. It is also said that the Emerson Collective company owned by Lauren Powell Jobs, the wife of Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, is among the investors of this project, and Io has so far managed to collect more than one billion dollars for the artificial intelligence hardware project.
Jony Ive’s mysterious project is currently running with only 10 employees. Also, “Tang Tan” and “Evans Hankey”, who were among Io’s colleagues at Apple in the iPhone design project, are also working with him in the new project. According to the New York Times, Ivo’s personal company, known as LoveFrom, is in charge of designing this artificial intelligence device. The headquarters of this company is located in an expensive building in San Francisco.