Launching a website is an important and necessary step in expanding your business. Having a website can help people connect with you online and learn more about your industry and brand. For this reason, it is best to choose a domain name for your site that accurately and effectively reflects your business and activities.
If you are also looking to register different types of domains, you can refer to Iran Server’s domain purchase page.
Before starting, it is necessary to state some of the advantages of buying and registering a domain in Iran Server so that you can choose and start your online activity with a more open mind. For example, one of the main reasons why you can easily trust the Iran Server team and entrust the main part of your site to them are as follows:
- Setting DNS from the user panel
- Instant domain registration
- Ability to lock the domain
- Providing domain registration agency
- Domain registration with more than 400 different domains
For example, if your business needs branding, it will be the best option to register and use public domains that are provided in Iran Server, or if you are interested in registering an Iranian domain, you can easily choose your domain name from Buy Iran Server because these domains are exclusively registered by Iranic National Registration Center and Iran Server as the representative of Iranic registers your domains with many facilities.
Well, we will continue reading so that with the help of this guide, you can register and buy the best available option for the domain name.
In fact, before the final registration of the domain name and its preparation, you should check and consider several different factors, which are as follows:
Domain registration steps
Step 1. Choosing a domain name and its extension
A domain name is basically the name of your website. That is, the part of the URL that comes before “.com” or “.org” or something similar.
Note that when choosing a domain name, choose a name that sounds attractive, will not be easily forgotten, and is consistent with your brand name.
Of course, it goes without saying that finding a domain name that is available and accurately represents the owner’s business and brand is challenging, depending on how common the name is.
You can check the availability of a domain name by contacting a hosting company and domain registrar, such as Iran Server.
Note that in some cases, the domain name is “available”, but sometimes it is not available and can be accessed in the form of other extensions, which will naturally have a high price.
In this case, if you don’t want to pay a high fee, you should consider your chosen name with alternative options for your desired extension. Of course, it should be noted that a domain name with the extension .ir will be available at a much more reasonable price.
Also, in many cases where a domain name with the desired extension is not available, the domain name registrar will suggest similar names that are available. For example, if is not available, the registrar may suggest
Even if a domain name is available, you should check that it is also available on social media to ensure future alignment between your website and its social categories.
With these interpretations, after determining the domain name, you must consider the extension name. The most popular extension com. is, although net. and org. are also popular, but there are other types, such as abbreviated domains with country names, ending with a suffix that is specific to a specific country.
For example, a website in Germany might be de. to end as the extension of the country of Iran is .ir.
Step 2. Choosing a reputable domain name registrar
Although cost is an important issue, choosing a reputable hosting company (domain registrar) is more important than looking for the cheapest option to buy a domain name.
For example, some domain name registrars that charge low prices for their services may lack privacy protections and you may want to use the same company to register your domain and host your website in the not-too-distant future. Face many problems that are sometimes irreparable.
Currently, Iran Server, as one of the most reliable domain registration companies, helps you to register your desired domain name and further guide you to launch your website.

Step 3. Purchase and registration of the selected domain
Once you’ve chosen an available domain name, you can purchase it, which is usually paid annually, but some registrars offer multi-year terms. Therefore, when registering, you should pay close attention to the registration time of purchased domains.
Also, instead of opting for a long-term subscription, you may want to consider a shorter term with auto-renewal.
This way, if you are unhappy with the service, you will be able to transfer your domain to another company.
That said, you may be able to bid on an already purchased domain name that you want, but be aware that depending on the popularity of the domain name, the fees can be quite high.
After all these steps, if the domain of your choice was available, now all you have to do is add it to your shopping cart and complete the registration process. At this stage, you will be asked to complete the registration process if you do not have a user account with the registration company such as Iran Server.
Step 4. Studying the domain purchase agreement
The services provided by the domain registrar, your rights and obligations, as well as the access and ability of that company to make changes, are all stated in the contract that accompanies the purchase of the domain. Therefore, it is important to read and study the domain agreement so that there are no doubts.
Step 5. Selecting the automatic domain registration renewal option

Domain name renewal is very important to ensure continued use of the chosen and purchased name.
So if you have selected the automatic renewal option when registering your domain, it is very wise because if your domain name expires before it is renewed, it will be available for purchase by others and there is a risk of losing the name. .
In this regard, the Iran Server team, with its many years of experience in this field, can be the best choice for domain name registration because it has considered various advantages for buyers, including the ability to transfer and even convert domains, the existence of a management control panel. , sale of specific domains and… mentioned. For more information about buying and registering a domain, visit the Iran server website.