At its Unpacked event, Samsung gave a glimpse of its next-generation flagship, the Galaxy S25 Edge. In this event, a short but impressive teaser of this smartphone was unveiled, which showed vague images of the exterior design and some of its internal components.
Despite the excitement this short teaser has created among tech enthusiasts, more details about the Galaxy S25 Edge’s specifications and exact release date have not been released.
What can be deduced from this short teaser is the extremely slim design of this phone. Also, the rear camera system of the Galaxy S25 Edge is significantly different from other members of this family. In this phone, only two lenses are placed in an integrated module, which gives it a minimal and attractive design. In addition, the sharp edges and flat frame of the device give a modern and professional look to the Galaxy S25 Edge.
The Galaxy S25 Edge flagship smartphone is expected to be launched in the first half of 2025. Although Samsung has not yet officially responded to these rumors.
Published reports indicate that the Galaxy S25 Edge will be equipped with a 6.7-inch screen, a powerful Snapdragon 8 Elite chip for Galaxy, 12 GB of RAM and 256 GB of internal memory. One of the distinctive features of this smartphone is its very slim and elegant design, which brings a unique user experience to users.