One of the most famous messengers in the world is WhatsApp, which now has many users. It can be used to chat and share information, both personal and professional. Even this messenger has a feature that allows you to share posts with a time limit. It might be interesting for you to know a method for Download WhatsApp statuses There is.
Since many messages are exchanged in this program, it is important to ensure their security. By setting a password for WhatsApp, we can prevent others from prying into our privacy.
Of course, WhatsApp does not allow users to use a password to enter the application and instead supports biometric passwords (Touch ID and Face ID); But other programs can be used to increase the security of the mentioned messenger.
In this article, we will first teach you how to activate the biometric lock, and then we will go to the best applications to add a password to WhatsApp. So stay with Zoomit until the end of this article.
How to activate WhatsApp biometric lock
For the security of the information in its messenger, WhatsApp uses a biometric lock that you can easily activate. In the following, we will explain how to do this.
- First, run the WhatsApp application.
- Click on the three dots on the top right and select Settings.
- Now select Privacy.
- Scroll on the opened screen to reach the Fingerprint Lock option.