There are almost 800 million active users in Telegram, and more than 3% of them use the premium Telegram version. What is Premium Telegram? What are the differences between premium and free Telegram? In this article, we answer these questions and also explain the special benefits of the subscription version and how to activate it (even with an Iranian mobile number). If you are a business owner or want a special personal account, this is for you.
What is Premium Telegram?
Telegram Premium is a subscription and paid version of Telegram that has been available to users since 2022. Telegram subscription service has special features such as: sending large files, high download speed, managing chats and folders, removing ads and unique profile personalization. You can buy Premium Telegram for 3 months, 6 months or one year. The premium version of Telegram increases the trust of others in you and increases your credibility.
capabilities | free telegram | Premium Telegram |
Membership in channels and groups | 500 | 1000 |
Chat pinned to the account | 5 | 10 |
Chat folder | 10 | 30 |
Number of chats per folder | 100 | 200 |
Save favorite sticker | 5 | 10 |
gif | 200 | 400 |
Add user account | 3 | 4 |
Maximum file size | 2 gigabytes | 4 gigabytes |
Username public link | 10 | 20 |
Number of bio characters | 70 | 140 |
Text words | 1024 | 4096 |
Cloud storage volume | limited | unlimited |
What are the special features of Telegram Premium?
The most important features of the Premium Telegram account are as follows:
- Convert voice (audio file) to text
The Voice-to-Text Conversation feature is suitable for those times when you cannot listen to Voice. By clicking on the option next to the sound, the voice will instantly become text and you will be placed under it. Like you played it and listened.
- Telegram story
Telegram story feature is not free in Iran. Post a story on Premium Telegram and set the duration of the story from 6 to 48 hours. The time that others see it is recorded. You can edit it again after publishing. You can even post a link. By applying settings, you can see other people’s stories without them noticing. You can hide people and even save other people’s stories. There is high quality (double the resolution) for stories.
- High speed download of all files
High upload and download speeds are only possible in the premium version. Save your time and as you saw in the previous section, you can easily send files with a size of 4 GB.
- Instant translation of channels and chats
If you become a member of many non-Persian groups and channels because of your job or activity; Don’t worry at all. Premium Telegram has solved the problem with instant translation into your preferred language. If you’re into digital currency, technology, science, and other complex topics, get up to speed with this feature.
- The last visit of the contacts
Even if you have activated your last seen recently for others, you can still check their last visit
- Access to the My Stars section
Stars is an in-app digital currency for Telegram. Users can support their favorite channels and content by sending and buying stars. These stars are also used to unlock exclusive and paid content.
- Adding a tag in Save Message
Organize and sort all the content you put in the saved messages section by adding tags. By tagging messages, you have easy and quick access.
- Features of Premium Telegram
It is possible to access countless moving emojis, the possibility of adding a status next to the username, premium sticker pack, moving profile, or premium Telegram badge. You can set a wallpaper for yourself and the person you are chatting with. You can also put the Premium Telegram icon. Leave a special color and logo for your profile and messages.
- Ability to manage advanced chat
There is access to automatically archive and hide chats of people who are not contacts. You can enable the feature to receive messages only from contacts and those who have premium Telegram.
What are the benefits of using premium telegram?
Despite Telegram’s revenue generation by launching a subscription service, user satisfaction is still at the top of the group’s goals. If you are still hesitating to get a premium account, take a look at its benefits.
- Save time due to high download speed
- Unlimited cloud storage
- Manage more groups and channels
- Access to advanced features
- Backing up Telegram information
Benefits of Telegram Premium for businesses
Businesses that have a premium Telegram account have more credibility. The paid version of Telegram has considered all the conditions to provide perfect services to collections. With the purchase of a premium Telegram account, access to the Telegram Business section is also activated. The special features of this part are as follows:
- Ability to insert location
- Registering the start and end times of the activity of the complex
- Creating ready messages and sending them when the admin is offline
- Send a welcome message
- Set shortcuts to quickly respond to requests
- Sending a prepared message, before starting the conversation with the applicants
- Adding a chatbot to check customer behavior
- Creating a link to start a conversation with a topic suggestion
- Add emoji for status
- Ability to tag chats
- Posting in addition to the story
How to buy and activate premium Telegram account?
Premium Telegram is not free and there is no modded version. The promise of a free premium account is nothing but a scam. Due to the restriction for Iranian users, you cannot buy and activate it by yourself. After purchase, the premium account will be activated. When you buy Telegram premium subscription, these features will be available to you not only in the mobile version, but also in the desktop version (Windows, Mac and Linux).
Various methods of buying premium Telegram
- Using the Telegram chatbot by purchasing a virtual number
- Action through premium Telegram account sales collections, such as Numberland
- Purchase account through digital wallet
In terms of accessibility and convenience, it is easier to act through sites that sell premium Telegram. It is also possible to create a premium version with an Iranian number. In this case, you no longer need a virtual number and dollar payment; You will not face any payment restrictions. If you intend to buy through chatbot and virtual number, consider that you will face restrictions during the payment stage.
What is Telegram Premium in brief?
Premium Telegram is an optional subscription service that you can purchase in various ways. Advanced Premium features provide unique benefits for both personal and business users. As you read, we didn’t just explain what Premium Telegram is. We also mentioned features such as: managing chats and channels, high speed file downloads, special profile customizations, exclusive stickers and multiplying the number of normal Telegram options in the premium version.