Pavel Dorf, CEO of Telegram, announced in a post that the phone numbers of some users will be available to governments. He also said that criminal content in Telegram’s search section will be dealt with seriously from now on.
The search section of Telegram has recently improved a lot and provides the possibility of searching for specific terms in public channels.
However, it seems that this part of Telegram has been abused by some people and through it non-Hungarian information can be provided to users.
Dorf said that the Telegram team was able to use artificial intelligence to remove criminal content from Telegram search.
He asked users around the world to report it to Telegram’s support team if they come across criminal content.
Dorf also said that Telegram plans to provide governments with the phone numbers and IP addresses of users who violate the platform’s rules.
Dorf was recently arrested by the French government and it seems that these changes are the result of his arrest to hold Telegram accountable.