Famous actor Tom Hanks recently warned on his Instagram about a video produced by artificial intelligence that used his image to promote a dental plan without his consent.
Explaining this, he wrote: “A video has been published on the Internet promoting dental plans with my artificial intelligence images. This has nothing to do with me.”
Hanks did not provide more information about the dental plan and the released video. It is still unclear why she posted about this on her Instagram, but it may be for her own protection. Earlier this year, he said that in the future, a version of him produced by artificial intelligence may be used in some films.
However, Hanks has alerted more people to this artificial intelligence-generated video. As AI technology advances, more things like this may happen, and people should be aware of the complications involved.
It should be mentioned that recently, the issue of replacing actors with artificial intelligence and their digital reconstruction was one of the reasons for the SAG strike.