Tag: therapy

The role of fasting and gene therapy in reversing bone damage / SpaceX’s last mission on New Year’s Eve

On Monday, January 10, ISNA's scientific and academic service hosted various news

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A scientist’s self-examination for cancer treatment and the use of virus therapy

Viata Halasi, a scientist struggling with breast cancer, made a bold decision.

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Precise identification of mutated proteins for cancer therapy

Scientists have succeeded in finding a new way to treat some types

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What is hair protein therapy? Education, benefits and side effects of hair ✔ Time Fashion Magazine

about Hair protein therapy What do you know!? Over time, little by

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4 billion tomans support for the design and development of robotic processes and machine automation in the field of gene therapy

Biotechnology Development Headquarters, in cooperation with other technology development headquarters and the

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What is schema therapy?

Schema is an unconscious belief that shows how a person sees himself,

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What is protein therapy? + A good or bad choice to strengthen hair

Protein therapy for silky and shiny hair Protein therapy One of the

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