Scientists from Harvard Medical School claim to have discovered new chemical compounds that can reverse aging. They intend to. Provide these compounds in the form of tablets so that the aging process can be reversed.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, new research by Harvard scientists shows that there is a type of chemical compound that can restore youth to cells. In this way, we can hope for antiaging treatments that are much better than gene therapy.
Although the genome contains all the genetic data in the construction of an organism, it does not provide a complete picture. On top of that, there is the epigenome as another layer of information whose task is to instruct various cells and express the desired genes for the life of that cell.
Harvard researchers have previously been able to effectively reprogram the epigenome. In this way, it became possible to effectively reverse aging. But gene therapy is a very expensive and difficult method. For this reason, new chemicals that have the same function were created.
In experiments conducted on various types of cells, 6 types of chemical compounds were identified that can restore cells to a youthful state. The important thing about these compounds was its early effect. Because the reversal of aging occurred in less than a week after the experiment.