Biotechnology Development Headquarters, in cooperation with other technology development headquarters and the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, supports the design and development of robotic processes and device automation in the field of gene therapy up to four billion Tomans.
According to RCO News Agency, The Biotechnology Development Headquarters supports the design and development of robotic processes and device automation in the field of gene therapy in cooperation with the Innovation and Prosperity Fund and other technology development headquarters.
In this regard, the support of technology development headquarters is also in the form of facilities and up to four billion with a 20% profit. If the project is successful and with the realization of the agreed outputs, the profit of the facility can be reduced to four percent. Also, a maximum of 25% of the facility can be converted into a grant.
According to the Communication and Information Center of the Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, the Innovation and Prosperity Fund will support projects that are in the technology acquisition phase in the form of grants up to 500 million tomans. In addition to knowledge-based companies, professors and research groups can also be supported by the grant. Also, projects close to exploitation can be supported in the form of facilities or investments within the framework of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund. For this category, company and product knowledge is essential.
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