Specialists have produced a unique lens through which one can have a clear vision at all distances.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, the new lens of the experts has a spiral configuration and can create a good performance in various lights. Also, unlike the current multifocal lenses, the new lens can still provide multifocal capabilities in any pupil size.
The spiral lens in its current form can focus clearly at different distances and under different light conditions. This lens was developed by the researchers of Photonics and Nano Sciences Laboratory. According to them, this lens can perform flawlessly without the distortion restrictions of normal lenses.
Because of the spiral design, multiple focal points have been created in this lens, and for this reason, it works like a combination of several lenses, so with the help of the unique arrangement of focal points, different distances can be seen clearly. These researchers claim that this lens can provide potential applications in various fields such as improving contact lens technology, intraocular implants for cataracts, and even miniature imaging systems.
Lauren Galinier, one of the authors of this study, invented the design of this spiral lens when he was investigating the optical characteristics of corneal malformations in patients. According to this researcher, in the normal case, to produce an optical vortex, several optical components will be needed to merge with each other. But the new lens can directly provide the necessary elements to integrate and produce an optical vortex on its surface.
One of the researchers of this study announced that the emergence of the spiral lens, which was created by the innovative minds of researchers, was also confirmed by optical experts. Also, these researchers are investigating the potential use of this lens in prescription glasses that can provide clear vision at different distances for these users.