Californian researchers announced that in their studies related to hearing loss, they have discovered a genetic mutation that causes this disease. By identifying this genetic mutation, they are also investigating the appropriate medicine to prevent it.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, aging and lifestyle changes are usually associated with hearing loss or deafness. For this reason, by studying this field, Californian researchers have identified a genetic mutation that causes this disease and they plan to produce medicine for it to prevent hearing loss.
In animal and human studies, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, by examining specific and important points of commonality, discovered the presence of genetic mutations called open protein response, which causes the loss of hair cells in the inner ear. Scientists say that due to the existence of this genetic mutation, a molecular domino has been created, and as a result, a person's hearing is reduced or hearing is completely lost. According to these researchers, by inhibiting this genetic mutation, deafness can be prevented and the damage can be minimized.
Dr. Dilanchan, one of the senior authors of this study and a researcher in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, says: Many adults in America lose their hearing due to exposure to noise or aging. Now there is strong evidence that Tmtc4 is a deafness gene in humans and that deafness can also be prevented by blocking it.