While paper straws were previously introduced as a suitable replacement straw for its plastic type, now it has been found that these straws also contain some persistent chemicals in nature and their use can be dangerous.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, while paper straws have been introduced as an optimal environmental solution, they are not very suitable and in addition to the high decay rate, they also have low levels of persistent chemicals. No study has been done yet on the effect of these straws on people's health, but the persistent chemicals in it, such as polyfluoroalkyl, can remain in the environment for centuries during some transactions. Therefore, these straws cannot be considered biodegradable.
Scientists from the University of Antwerp in Belgium stated in a study that plastic plant substitutes can also silently cause environmental pollution. In this study, they examined 39 different brands of straws, plastic, paper, glass, and even bamboo and stainless steel. In this study, it was found that some of these products are produced with long-lasting chemicals, which include a group of 15,000 synthetic chemicals, and some of them can poison animals and humans in sufficient concentrations.