Previously, the presence of carbon dioxide and some chemical substances on the surface of the moon Europa related to the planet Jupiter was detected. James Webb has now been able to publish data showing that the source of these chemicals and carbon dioxide is beneath the ocean ice crust hidden on the moon’s surface.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, James Webb’s data allowed scientists to identify the source of carbon dioxide on the planet Jupiter. In any case, the origin of these materials is considered new in terms of geology.
The near-infrared spectrometer instrument associated with the James Webb telescope has made observations that will help scientists not only identify the source of carbon dioxide in Europa, but also discover its abundance. Currently, the carbon dioxide present on this moon is higher in a region called Tara Regio than anywhere else. The European Space Agency has published images in this regard, in which the identified area can be seen in yellow at the left of the center.
The geologists announced about this issue that the ice surface of the discovered area broke during the warming of the air and thus the water rises from the subsurface ocean. As the weather cools down, an ice water area will form again. Previously, the Hubble data from this region has indicated the presence of table salt. Therefore, it can be concluded that salt water will also rise to the surface of the moon of this planet. If the main source of carbon dioxide is really created from the subsurface oceans of this moon and is not related to meteorites or other sources, then this moon can be considered similar to the planet Earth. Europa’s moon is currently considered one of the objects of the solar system, which scientists considered suitable for supporting life and put it under observation.