Curriculum vitae is one of the most important documents you need to be accepted and sent to universities for immigration. Because the professor or university official who wants to check your application will pay attention to the academic resume. Academic resume is one of the most important documents for immigration and study visa. In this article of Migraha magazine, we have introduced the study visa, how to make it, the required tools, and various examples of study resumes for immigration.
What is an academic resume?
Academic resume or (Curriculum Vitae) or to abbreviate CV It is a type of specialized document or resume that shows your personal information, education, achievements and educational experiences for immigration and work applications in the form of a file. Having a specialized and standard resume can showcase your abilities and capabilities and increase your chances of being accepted into the university.
Simply put, an academic resume is a short, concise, and carefully crafted resume that is targeted at the programs and researchers to whom you will be submitting the resume and should contain complete information about what you have done and will do in the future. will give A resume is the first step and evidence for applying and being admitted to universities. The resume pages can be about 3 to 10 pages in relation to the person’s achievements and experiences.
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The importance and purpose of writing an academic resume
The purpose of the academic resume is to present a comprehensive and convincing picture of yourself as a candidate, highlighting your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, personal interests, and potential contributions to university education officials. Also, academic resume is very important, it helps you a lot to:
- Showcase your academic achievements.
- Showcase your abilities, capabilities and skills.
- Stand out from other candidates and applicants.
- You create a professional identity for yourself.
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Academic resume sections
Academic resume contains a series of fixed parts that must be observed and filled correctly in all resumes. The following list contains the things that should be included in the academic resume in order to have a strong and professional resume. The parts of the curriculum vitae are:
- Identity and contact information: This section includes first and last name, gender, age, phone number, email and address.
- Education: The name of the institution or university, the type of degree (diploma, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate), the date of starting and graduating, grade point average, field of study in the university or high school, and the status of education in this section.
- Academic or research experiences: In this section, you should write research projects conducted and presented, publications (magazine articles or conference articles) and presentations at conferences along with the date and place if any.
- Language skills: In this section, list the languages you are fluent in and indicate your level of proficiency (e.g. fluent, proficient, basic). Also, if you have teaching experience, write the name of the institution and the duration of teaching.
- Skills: This section is one of the most important sections in the resume. List in detail technical skills specific to your field, soft skills such as leadership, communication, critical thinking, and courses in which you have degrees. This part of the resume can make you stand out from the rest and increase the chances of acceptance.
- Teaching experience: If you have teaching experience, write the titles of the taught courses and educational responsibilities along with the location. (if any)
- Awards and honors: List any academic honors, academic awards, or other honors you have received, such as scholarships or research grants.
- Contributions and academic activities: If you have participated in special university associations in the university, write all the participations and activities with explanations.
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How to make an academic resume
After familiarizing yourself with the sections and the general format of the academic resume, it is time to create and write it. In order to avoid complexity and make it easier to make an academic resume, it is better to proceed in order and step by step so as not to miss anything. At this stage, you can impress the university and admissions officer by creating a professional resume. The step-by-step steps of creating an academic resume are:
- Choose the appropriate format, structure and font of the academic resume.
The first and most important step in creating an academic resume is choosing a template with a simple and appropriate font. You should choose a template that is up-to-date and very simple. The reverse chronological format is the newest and most up-to-date format that you can use to create your academic resume. Choosing the right format and font, in addition to making the resume look more beautiful and professional, can also increase the readability of the resume. Also, use simple and clear fonts that make it easier for officials to read the resume.
- Enter identity information
At the beginning of the curriculum vitae, you should introduce yourself. You must carefully enter your personal information such as name and surname, age, gender, mobile number, address of virtual networks or email, and your residential address. Also, try to create your e-mail in a way that includes your first and last name because e-mail is one of the most common ways of communication and shows your identity.
- Enter education information
After entering personal information, it is time to enter educational information. In this section, you should write a summary of your educational information, name of the university, level of study, field of study, type of degree, start and end date of study, grade point average and other things. You should pay attention to fill this section with complete honesty and if, for example, you write the type of your degree wrongly or falsely, it will have a negative effect on your acceptance.
- Enter skills, courses taken and language skills
In this section, you can enter courses related to your field of study, technical skills, specialties and abilities you have. Also, if you are fluent in a certain language such as English, French, German, etc. and you can enter by mentioning the explanations and documents you have.
- Enter academic experiences, articles and conferences
If you have participated in associations, participated in scientific projects, authored an article or book and presented data, as well as participated in seminars and conferences and made presentations, you can use this section as Enter complete with details. This section is one of the sections that can have a great impact on the authorities for your admission.
- Enter certificates, awards and honors
There is a separate section in your academic resume where you can enter the certificates and honors you have. In this section, if you have received a scholarship or grant, if you have won prizes in geoscientific or other matters, be sure to write in this section. The list of awards and honors can make you more prominent and worthy than other competitors and volunteers.
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Writing an academic resume in English
For immigration and admission to foreign universities, it is better that the curriculum vitae be in English. Making an academic resume in English is completely similar to Farsi, with Taqwat, which has different terms. Below, we have fully explained these academic resume terms in English, which are:
- Name, professional title and contact details: In this section, you enter your first and last name, professional title, contact information and email.
- Personal profile: This part is called personal profile, which is placed under the name and contact information, and is one of the most important parts of the academic resume. In this section, you explain a short paragraph about yourself and who you are to the university and admission officials.
- Professional experience: This section is called experience and records and you can enter all your work, academic and professional experiences.
- Education and qualifications: In the education and academic information section, you must write the type of degree, the name of the field of study, the name of the university or educational institution, the year of entry and graduation, average score, honors in the university and academic achievements accurately and without mistakes.
- Publications: If you have a book or an article that has been published, you have sent articles to magazines, you have presented articles in conferences or scientific associations, you have scientific reports and inventions, and other things like these, you can put them in the articles, books section. Write ha and…
- Presentations/Conferences: This section also includes the presentations you have made in universities, conferences and seminars and also participated in special conferences.
- Research: In this section, you can write your research, scientific research and interests.
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Examples of academic resumes

Key points of writing an academic resume
There are some points and considerations that you can have a standard resume if you follow it. These key points are:
- Be brief and regular.
- Use a simple template, format and font.
- You can also use the reverse format when it is the latest format.
- Use clear language and terminology.
- Tailor your resume to your plans and experiences.
- Delete the sections that are not related to your field and experiences.
- Ask a professional to review and proofread your resume.
- Focus on areas of research, honors and awards, teaching and skills.
- Make sure all information on your resume is accurate and verifiable by your educational institutions.
- Provide supporting documents such as certificates, awards, files, patents and other items as needed.