We have always heard that walking is necessary for normal childbirth and generally walking during pregnancy. But how and how much should we walk? What exercises can we do besides walking to have the greatest effect on easy delivery? Read this vitamin article carefully to find the best answers. We are going to tell you all about walking for natural childbirth.
Is walking useful for natural childbirth?
Definitely, walking during pregnancy is a very positive and even necessary activity for the mother; (Of course, provided that the doctor does not prohibit it). We recommend all mothers to take a walk every day. Walking for natural childbirth has countless benefits for both the mother and the baby, some of which are:
- Although walking puts minimal pressure on the joints, it is a good aerobic exercise that makes your muscles stronger.
- Since you carry more weight during pregnancy, which can cause back pain, walking can help relieve back pain and support your spine.
- Studies show that walking during pregnancy prepares the body for an easy delivery and reduces many birth complications.
- Walking for natural childbirth will increase your energy level and make you feel better and fresher. Walking is also good for boosting mood, helping with mood swings and combating pregnancy stress.
- While constipation is a common problem for most pregnant women, walking will help speed up digestion and make bowel movements easier.
- By walking, you will burn fat and calories; As a result, this exercise can keep you fit and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and premature birth.
- Most importantly, walking during pregnancy is a great way to combat insomnia.

How many weeks should we walk for natural delivery?
Walking is the easiest and safest exercise you can do during pregnancy. However, get your doctor’s permission before starting to walk for natural childbirth. Although walking is very beneficial for mother and baby, if you have problems such as high blood pressure, anemia, bleeding or other problems, you should do any activity with caution and doctor’s advice.
Whenever you want to start walking, get a pair of comfortable and soft sneakers. In the following, we will talk about how to walk in different stages of pregnancy.
The first trimester
In the first trimester of pregnancy, you may feel nauseous and tired. At this time, you can start walking only if the doctor allows it.
The key to preparing for a natural birth by walking is to go short and slow and gradually increase the time. Start with 5 minutes of walking every day and add 5 minutes to it every week until you reach 30 minutes of walking a day.
second quarter
In the second trimester of pregnancy, you may feel more energetic and motivated to exercise. You can walk briskly, but don’t exercise so much that you get tired. Sweating can feel good, but you shouldn’t overdo it.
Third quarter
In the third trimester, notice that your center of gravity has shifted with your growing belly. To avoid tripping and falling, walk on smooth paths and be sure to observe safety.
Whenever you are walking, if you have hip pain or other symptoms such as bleeding, stop the physical activity and consult your doctor about continuing your activity.

Is walking enough for a natural birth and there is no need to do other sports?
Walking for natural childbirth is a very suitable activity for expectant mothers and can cause a better mood, stronger muscles and more preparation for childbirth; But walking is not the only physical activity a mother needs, and there are other activities and sports that can be very useful and effective for a mother.
Although walking alone is very useful, a combination of different sports activities can have better results. Now we introduce you some great sports during pregnancy. Sure Before starting any exercise during pregnancy, consult your doctor.
1. Breathing exercises and participation in childbirth preparation sessions
Breathing exercises and childbirth preparation sessions can help control the mother’s stress and fear and raise her awareness. In these classes, the mother learns what to expect during pregnancy and the birth of the little angel and how to control her stress with conscious breathing.
2. Pilates and pregnancy yoga
All exercises that strengthen the core and back muscles (such as pilates and yoga) are useful for supporting the lower back and pelvis during pregnancy. These exercises can be useful in reducing back and pelvic pain and preparing for childbirth. The important thing is, take a pregnancy pilates and yoga class, not a general pilates and yoga class.
3. Exercise in water
Swimming or other basic and suitable exercises in water can be useful for reducing pressure on the body and also managing anxiety and stress.
4. Flexibility exercises
There are various exercises to increase the flexibility of the mother’s body. These exercises can help improve your body’s flexibility and your preparation for childbirth.

Is it harmful to walk a lot during pregnancy?
As long as walking is done in a reasonable amount and in compliance with health principles during pregnancy, it will not harm the mother and the fetus, but it will also be very beneficial. Gentle sports activities such as walking can help the mental and physical health of pregnant women.
In general, it is important to discuss the amount and type of activity with your doctor. Only in some situations, the doctor may even prohibit you from walking or ask you to walk and exercise on a limited basis. For example, if you suffer from the following, you should be very careful and work under the supervision of your doctor.
- Cerclage
- severe anemia
- Vaginal bleeding
- Risk of premature birth
- Heart or lung diseases
- placenta after 26 weeks
- Preeclampsia or high blood pressure
How to walk to open the cervix?
What is the preparation for natural childbirth by walking? Walking, like other sports activities, can help improve physical condition and preparation for childbirth; But alone, it cannot open the cervix. The opening of the cervix is a natural process that occurs during childbirth and is under the control of the mother and baby.
But there is a type of walking that you can do on the day of delivery, or in the last weeks as ordered by the doctor, so that the fetal head is down and prepare for delivery. In fact, it is not a kind of walking and it is an effective physical activity before childbirth.
In this walk, you have to take long steps on an uneven surface. (In the sense that one foot should be on a slightly higher surface such as the stairs and the other foot should be on a lower surface, i.e. the ground). You should do this walk for natural childbirth with the advice of the midwife.
final word
Walking and doing certain light sports during pregnancy is useful and suitable and can help you to have an easier and better delivery. Also, regular walking and exercise will strengthen your muscles and increase your fitness. In this article, we talked about how to walk for natural childbirth and introduced the best exercises during pregnancy.
References: healthline – thedomfamily – nhs