Why do some men have extra fat in their chest area and what is the solution to reduce men’s chest? Chest fat is usually uncomfortable for men and they are looking for a solution for it.
You might say to yourself, how can men’s breasts become bulky and large, but this is true and there are reasons for it. To lose breast fat, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle. In the following, we will tell the reasons for the presence of fat in men’s chest and we will also introduce various ways to treat or reduce the size of men’s chest.
What are the reasons for increasing breast fat in men?
What is the reason for male breast enlargement? Breast enlargement in men (abnormally) has two reasons: obesity, gynecomastia. In the following, we will learn more about each of these cases and how to treat them.
Breast enlargement in men due to obesity
You may be an overweight man and this has caused the accumulation of fat in your chest. In this situation, you can get rid of this problem and achieve your ideal body by losing weight and reducing body fat percentage. Therefore, fat men’s breast reduction usually happens with weight loss.
Male breast enlargement due to gynecomastia
Excess fat and large breasts in men who are not obese may be due to gynecomastia. This disease has a hormonal cause and is common among teenage boys and older men. It also causes mammary glands to grow abnormally in men’s body and as a result, men’s breasts become bigger.
Gynecomastia is a disease of breast tissue swelling caused by a common endocrine disorder (estrogen and testosterone imbalance) in men. This disease causes bulking of breast tissues and fat in men. These disorders may occur in both breasts or one of them.
Gynecomastia symptoms
Gynecomastia sometimes occurs in baby boys, teenagers and elderly men. Of course, the cause of each occurrence is different. If you have the following symptoms, it is better to see an endocrinologist.
- Breast swelling and enlargement
- Touch sensitivity and breast pain
- Discharge from one or both breasts
Fortunately, this disease can be treated and has no dangerous side effects. The doctor will prescribe you medicine. In certain cases, surgery may be needed.
Causes of gynecomastia
Although gynecomastia has no known cause, this disorder can have many causes. Some of the most important reasons for gynecomastia are:
- changes in hormone levels in the body;
- taking some drugs such as steroid and androgenic drugs, corticosteroids and cancer drugs;
- taking some drugs, such as drugs containing amphetamine, heroin, and marijuana, and alcohol consumption;
- Some specific diseases such as kidney failure or hyperthyroidism with changes in the level of male hormones.
Important note: In gynecomastia, nutritional and exercise methods are not effective and require medical intervention.
How can men reduce their breast size?
If overweight and obesity is the cause of breast enlargement in men, it will definitely be corrected with proper nutrition program and exercise. In the following, we introduce the best solution for men’s breast reduction.
1. Exercise for men’s breast reduction
Fortunately, exercise can have a great effect on the appearance of the upper body and chest. You will need a personalized exercise program to lose breast fat. A program that focuses on chest exercises and muscle building in that area. To shrink men’s chest, you must do the following exercises seriously along with your diet.
You need an aerobic exercise program (running, brisk walking, swimming, tennis, and jumping rope) to lose body fat. The presence of such exercises in the sports program reduces the percentage of body fat (destroying breast fat tissue).
Aerobic exercises alone are not enough. Strength training and weight training are also necessary to build muscle and increase the body’s metabolism. Exercises such as: Swedish swimming, chest press, barfix, etc. should be included in your program so that the process of men’s chest reduction is easier and faster. The video below is a one month workout plan for fat burning.
Exercises to reduce men’s chest at home
In this section, we have brought a training program for men’s chest reduction. We also teach you how to do the movements in the video.
move name | Set and repeat |
Swimming, raising arms | 3 sets of 10 |
side swimming | 3 sets of 10 |
Long forward standing chest press | 3 sets of 12 |
Deep on the ground | 3 sets of 12 |
Crossed straight leg crunch | 3 sets of 10 |
burpee | 3 sets of 8 |
jogging | 3 sets of 50 pieces |
2. Food plan to melt breast fat
If you don’t have a healthy and correct diet, you can’t get rid of your breast fat even with exercise. To reduce the size of men’s breasts, follow the following in your diet.

– Change your eating habits!
Reduce the consumption of dairy products (cheese and milk). Instead, go for whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
Eliminate foods that are high in fat or high in sodium and sugar. From now on, eat nutritious foods, such as grilled fish or chicken, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates such as oat bran.
Instead of red meat, use nuts and fish as a source of protein. Avoid eating fast food or fatty and fried foods. Get your body used to healthy foods instead of high cholesterol or sugary foods.
Pay attention to the calories in your food!
The calories consumed by each person depends on his age, weight, lifestyle and goals. In addition to eating healthy foods, you need to determine which foods have hidden calories. Write down your eating habits. Add up the number of calories you eat each day. Also write down all the activities you have done.
– Make the right choices!
Use small plates to eat. This trick tricks the brain into thinking you ate more than you actually did. You’ll feel fuller for longer using this method, but if you have a big appetite, eat large portions of low-glycemic index fruits and vegetables. In this way, your hunger will be satisfied without consuming too many calories.
– Have a dedicated program!
The most important and effective way to reduce men’s breasts and lose weight is to have a proper and specific exercise diet. In other words, a program designed according to your characteristics and goals. You can get your plan now from the vitamin experts.
3. Stop taking drugs and steroids
Even just after a week of starting to use steroids gynecomastia may occur; Yes, unfortunately, steroids can be effective to this extent. But the duration and severity of gynecomastia varies from person to person. Unfortunately, in some cases, gynecomastia may persist after steroids are discontinued.
But it is not only steroids that lead to gynecomastia, but there are also drugs that may have such an effect. Antibiotics, anti-ulcer drugs, growth hormones, and (sometimes) chemotherapy can cause breast fat in men.
Teens who use anabolic steroids or use alcohol, marijuana, heroin, or amphetamines should be aware that they may develop gynecomastia. Male breast reduction in these cases includes discontinuing the desired drug; Surgery is rarely required.

4. Hormonal treatments
Although most people think of estrogen as an exclusively female hormone, men also have it (in small amounts). Gynecomastia may appear if the estrogen level in men increases or the testosterone balance is disturbed.
But what is the solution now? It depends on what age gynecomastia occurs; Gynecomastia caused by hormonal changes during puberty is relatively common. In most cases, swollen breast tissue in adolescent boys will disappear within six months to two years without treatment; But for the treatment of gynecomastia in adults, it is necessary to see an endocrinologist and receive specialized treatment.
Fortunately, there are solutions to keep estrogen levels low that we will introduce to you. Some simple lifestyle changes can help reduce the size of male breasts without surgery. These solutions include:
- Reduce alcohol consumption: Alcohol can abnormally increase estrogen levels in both men and women. To keep estrogen levels low, it is better to stop drinking alcohol.
- Exercise regularly: Exercise has many health benefits, including lowering estrogen levels. Both men and women who exercise regularly have lower estrogen levels than non-exercisers.
- Have a healthy diet: A healthy diet can also help lower estrogen levels. Try to eat foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fat.
final word
Male breast enlargement can be due to gynecomastia or obesity and overweight. Your lifestyle can be very decisive. To melt breast fat, you must have a proper exercise diet. In this article, we have introduced different ways to reduce men’s breasts without surgery.
References : menshealth – ncbi