NFT has created many developments in the world economy, and the fashion industry has not been separated from this path. To read about the impact of NFT on the fashion industry, read the article (How will NFT help the fashion industry?) in SAARC Fashion Magazine.
Digital fashion is now widespread and it may be difficult to identify its main use; Because a product of digital fashion is not always similar to clothes and can be cryptopunk profile pictures.
Cryptopunk, as a part of NFT, also plays a prominent role in the latest developments in the field of fashion. This effect was evident when in May 2019 Fabricant clothing sold for $9,500, marking the first recorded sale of a fashion NFT. Now cryptopunk in NFT goes beyond selling a dress. On the other hand, it is predicted that WGSN company will go to cryptopunks seriously in 2024 and 2025. As a result, examining cryptopunks can give good information about the near future of the fashion world. In this article, we will examine cryptopunk and its influence in the fashion world.
Details of crypto punk in the world of fashion
Cryptopunk, as one of the first famous NFT projects, was introduced in 2021. After some cryptopunks were sold for a very high price of millions of dollars; They became more popular and became one of the most expensive NFTs.
In a more colloquial and simple definition, they are identities that can be real but continue to exist in the digital world. So far, the number of characters in the digital world of cryptopunk is 3840 women and more than 6000 men. We also have some monkeys, aliens and zombies in the mix. Cryptopunks are one of the first NFT projects.
Cryptopunk is the brainchild of New York-based Larva Labs, founded by Matt Hall and John Watkinson. The project started in 2017 as an experiment for the value of NFTs and art.
Cryptopunk, a world of unique features
About this section of NFT, we can say that there are 10,000 small 8-bit style punks, all of which have unique characteristics. Cryptopunk characters with different characteristics combined ensure that each of the 10,000 characters in this digital world has completely unique characteristics.
NFT profile pictures reflect individual tastes and affiliations. They also have aesthetic value, in other words, they can define fashion.
In addition to human cryptopunks, John Watkinson, inspired by popular culture archetypes, modified their software algorithms to generate a number of non-human punks. Added 88 green-skinned zombie punks, 24 monkey punks, and 9 other non-human characters. Inhuman punks can also have accessories and clothing like the human counterparts. For example, one of the aliens is smoking a pipe and is nicknamed the “wise alien”.
Cryptopunks are distinguished by their details. Color, gender, hair and accessories are the things that make a difference in the appearance of cryptopunks. Although these colors are limited, they are effective in the value and price of cryptopunk. For example, in the punk hair color field, there are 95 pink hairs, or only 94 braided hairs are available for punks. But accessories, facial expressions and hair and head styles can overcome this limitation up to 10,000 different cryptopunks.

Popular trends and styles in the cryptopunk worldTheI see
Color and design play an important role in the trends of the fashion industry. This also applies to cryptopunk. Currently, the colors used in cryptopunk designs are limited to specific colors, with coded pure black (#000000) being by far the most common color. Also, many of the seemingly similar colors in cryptopunk designs are actually different.
The brown color with the code #a66e2c was also one of the first colors used in the design of cryptopunks, and according to some analysts, the first cryptopunk was number 281 with brown eyebrows.

Perhaps the most original punk hairstyle is the Mohawk. The simple name of the Mohawk indicates that this model was the first among its family members (Dark Mohawk, Light Mohawk and Red Mohawk) in the world of cryptopunk.
The simple beard model was also one of the first items used for crypto punks.

Hoodies, hats in various forms from cowboy to brimmed, sunglasses – which are more diverse than other items -, headbands and similar accessories are also considered for the style of cryptopunks.
The value of cryptopunk in the sale of fashion products NFT
Fashion NFTs can take many forms. They may be virtual clothes that customers wear in virtual environments or digital content that users interact with.
In addition to being a means of identifying users, cryptopunk can also have a significant impact on the economy of the fashion world.
At first glance, these tiny, pixelated faces in tiny square formats don’t seem like much. Some of them have human habits and daily behaviors of the real world; For example, they smoke pipes or some of them have accessories that change according to the user’s taste. These accessories include hats, glasses, necklaces and similar items. The value of this detail is that when it comes to NFTs, their appearance can also be influential.

For example, just owning one of these cute-looking punks can probably buy you anything from a shoe or a small necklace to a huge, luxurious mansion.
The impact of crypto on fashion designers
Cryptopunk has also had several influences in the field of fashion design; For example, in 2021, RTFKT collaborated with the LarvaLabs team for a collection of ten thousand NFT sneakers. The collection was designed as per punk and was supposed to be available only to the owner of the digital avatar.
The RTFKT team stated in an interview: “Through this project, we have met amazing characters, innovators and creators, each with their own story and skills. Punks, like the characters of a unique society, shape the new world.
Also, Adidas, Gucci, Balenciaga and Puma are among the big brands that have been active in the field of cooperation with Meta and designing products related to cryptopunks.
In January 2022, during the Milan Fashion Week, the news of GMoney’s cryptopunk showing in the Prada fashion show attracted the attention of the media. The Fendi brand also took advantage of the design of an item suitable for the atmosphere of cryptopunks in the Paris Fashion Week.

Now the designers of different brands are inspired by the style of cryptopunks in their work. Pharrell Williams, the new creative director of the Louis Vuitton brand, stepped into the fashion world at the Paris 2023 show with a men’s collection in which the pixel designs of cryptopunks were noticeably used. To read about Louis Vuitton’s menswear show, read Louis Vuitton’s Spring 2024 Men’s Collection at Paris Fashion Week.

On the other hand, the popularity of cryptopunks, which were once offered for free and are now worth several million dollars, has reached such an extent that designers are using NFT character designs to print on their products.

Tiffany and the cryptopunk welcome
The Tiffany brand made a necklace with 250 pendants using NFT belonging to LVMH. These necklaces, which are made in limited numbers and inspired by cryptopunk; They are only available to the crypto community.

cryptopunk style; Powerful in the digital world
Cryptopunks are characters with different styles that can have clothes and accessories from well-known brands in the world. This style is only for them and it seems that they are virtual products that have real life. This characteristic makes cryptopunk characters more than just a digital profile. Although these virtual characters have had a significant impact on the fashion design of our real world; But now their main goal is to advance in their own digital land. It is predicted that in 2024 and 2025, WGSN will go to cryptopunks in a serious way. On the other hand, with the great acceptance of NFT and digital currency in recent years, cryptopunk has and will continue to make a lot of progress. But it should be considered that cryptopunk does not have a long life yet and the arrival of more practical and advanced alternatives in the future of the world that moves forward with technology; It is an undeniable fact.