IT Technology

IT Technology

3130 Articles

The beginning of investing in the stock market; Basic principles and basics

Investing in the stock market can be considered as one of the best opportunities to get good returns. This process

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The new Pixel Watch was introduced with an updated chip and unique features

Last year, Google released the Pixel Watch for the first time as the company's smart watch. Yesterday, this company introduced

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Google adds Bard AI capabilities to its personal assistant

In the continuation of its event after the introduction of the Pixel 8 series, Google went to its updates in

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Singapore police responded to rumors of Su Zhou’s arrest

In response to the Reuters news agency's question about the arrest of Su Zhu, managing director of hedge fund Three

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The new version of Arizo 6 Pro will soon be in the Iranian market

Car managers have decided to release the new version of Arizzo 6 Pro, which replaces the current version of Phoenix

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Aynak equipped with artificial intelligence “Meta” sees and hears like its user

A few years have passed since the introduction of the first smart glasses, and during this time, many developers, including

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Cruz’s self-driving car ran over a woman in San Francisco

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a self-driving Cruze car ran over a pedestrian Monday night just after it crashed

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The sale of full option automatic tara has started

The official sale of Tara automatic full option or V4 was keyed. Next, take a look at the approved price,

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ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence can negatively affect employee performance

New research from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) shows that employees who use AI tools like ChatGPT may perform worse

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Review of iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max

Today's smartphones no longer offer new and innovative features and innovations like in the past and are mostly updated versions

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If the speed of light breaks, the universe will look incredibly strange

In Einstein's theory of special relativity, there is a law of physics that says nothing can move faster than light,

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With the release of Copilot, Microsoft equips Windows 11 with artificial intelligence

"Artificial intelligence" has become a crucial technology among technology giants, and platform developers are trying to equip their products with

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Tom Hanks warns of an AI video scam

Famous actor Tom Hanks recently warned on his Instagram about a video produced by artificial intelligence that used his image

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How to remove car seat stains with baking soda

Posted by: Shayan Maddi October 10, 1402 at 11:36Baking soda is often used to clean car surfaces. Next, we will

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Google Bard remembers the key information of your conversations

Google for AI chatbots Bard It develops a new feature that Memory It has a name and as the name

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