fitness trainer

fitness trainer

455 Articles

Which exercises and sports are good for kidney stones?

We all know that being active and doing sports is good for kidney stones

13 Min Read

How to deal with a nosy person?

All of us occasionally encounter people who like to pry and interfere in our lives. However, we can make them

4 Min Read

How to prepare 12 homemade breakfast sandwiches in a diet way

When the name of breakfast sandwich comes up, we often think of bread and

10 Min Read

What is the cause of chicken skin? and how to treat it

Is the term chicken skin (keratos pilaris) familiar to you? Do you also have

11 Min Read

What is the best skin care routine while exercising?

To take care of the skin during exercise, you should consider and follow a

11 Min Read

Which muscles are important to strengthen in the handball bodybuilding program?

The fact is that having balance, physical strength and agility is very important for

21 Min Read

What is the cause of fat accumulation in 6 common parts of the body?

Where is your excess weight? What is the cause of fat accumulation in these

10 Min Read

Increasing the time the muscle is under pressure with 6 golden strategies

Do you know exactly what the muscle's time under tension (TUT) means? What is

9 Min Read

Fill the hollow of the thigh with 8 simple but effective movements

Hip dip or hip hollow is related to the shape of each person's hips.

18 Min Read

3 benefits of arm superset + arm volume program

The arm superset training system can bring you closer to your favorite body and arms than any other system. A

13 Min Read

Proper nutrition for fetal heart formation

In this article from Alamo, we describe the proper nutrition for the formation of the fetal heart and tell what

7 Min Read

What is tempo and what does it mean in bodybuilding?

If you have just started working out, the term tempo in bodybuilding may be strange to you. You have probably

7 Min Read

Removing darkness and puffiness under the eyes with 14 effective and easy methods

Darkness and puffiness of the eyes usually have genetic roots; But you can fix this problem to some extent by

14 Min Read

What pills and vitamins should we take to prevent hair graying? + Traditional medicine

If you have premature whiteness, we will tell you further What to eat to prevent gray hair.What should we eat

8 Min Read

4 basic strategies for reducing male breasts and gynecomastia

Why do some men have extra fat in their chest area and what is

11 Min Read